Marriage date
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4Add Marriage License FieldAt present, Family Search has several fields related to relationships, including marriage and divor…
2 Marriage Certificates for Same CoupleHi, I have found 2 marriage certificates for the same couple, though their names were slightly miss…Answered Closed Angela Schroath 811 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson General Questions
MarriageI am looking for the marriage of Kenneth to Rhonda and also the marriage of Kenneth to Katherine
1Search with exact marriage date for unknown relativeI inherited a wedding band engraved with a date. However, I have no idea to whom it belonged in t…new Closed HurdTamoraLynn1 241 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1End dates in TimelineI enjoy looking at the Timeline tab to see related events ordered by time. But some events don't oc…
Different entries for same personI have found 2 entries for marriage of Nat Mode 27th May 2810 same church but one is to Jenny Shaw …Answered Closed LynnR56 221 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree