No relationship found
Last night I corrected MY bd and name on MY family tree. Now, when I use the find my relationship feature it tells me I have no relationship with anyone on my tree, including my parents! How do I fix this and what did I do wrong? BTW, when I corrected my info, it gave me a new ID number.
Best Answer
The only time a new ID number would be generated would be if a new person profile was created. You must have accidentally created a new page for yourself when attempting to edit your existing information.
To correct this you need to find your original profile which will have the old ID# and merge it with the one with the new ID#. You can only merge two living profiles by using the Merge by ID function found under Tools in the right hand side of the page.
(Editing note: your first sentence more correctly should have been: "Last night I corrected MY bd and name in my private area of Family Tree." Our private area is where all data on living people resides. All information on deceased people is just in the general Family Tree database, not in any kind of personal tree.)
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FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Family Tree
Error message no relation
So, today I corrected MY info on my tree (birthdate and ful name) and now when I try to find known ancestors relationships to me I keep getting a msg that we are not related. How do I fix this?