I found my ancestors in your digital files. But I would like to see the original film. The file does not mention parish nor parents and witnesses. Also there was a mistake made in the marriage date format. It is either 07/11/1835 or 11/07/1835
I am looking for the marriage of Mathias/Matthias/Mathieu Nacken and Maria/Anna Marie Schavoir/Scheffer. It took place in Aachen, Germany either on 07/11/1835 or 11/07/1835
It should be on microfilm 875506 ODM M99268-7
Very much obliged
There is a free service for requesting images from the digitized microfilms. https://www.familysearch.org/en/blog/new-library-lookup-service-for-when-you-cant-visit-the-family-history-library
The link for placing the request is https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=s-7mYddfqkquPGHo3rCbeXDgy5vNu0pJhOnXB8jRDZtUNzlIR1VFVkhEWFNSVVFQNDRTUjdGRzRFVy4u
Happy hunting!