microfilm request
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View image from this folder: Digital Folder Number 008037079I was wondering if I can have images from this entry and the entries around it made available? I th…Answered ✓ Closed Alexis Melanie 54 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Search
Polish microfilmsI've received some pages from Polish microfilms (birth, death, marriage records). I was interested…Answered Closed JessicaFeinstein 241 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by JessicaFeinstein Search
Hidden microfilmsI noticed that there are microfilms related to a certain area that are only viewable and reachable …Answered Closed FabioCassinelli 111 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
Availability of German RecordsI need to access the microfilms on this page: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/230444 (S…
Link to Vault Requests BrokenHello, Can someone fix the link to the form that allows one to request microfilms from the Vault? …
MicrofilmsHello, I found my ancestors in your digital files. But I would like to see the original film. The f…Answered WTHIJSSEN 112 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Nederlands - Dutch