How can I get permission to edit a read-only person?

Hi, I'd like to standardized and otherwise tidy up a read-only person,
Eugene ( Pete) De Wolf
22 September 1880 – 1 January 1914
He is my 10th cousin; interesting, as he was born 1882 and me in 1952! (Is there a term for this generation 'slippage' in ages?) Anyway, I'm also related (distantly) to his step-father, president Warren G Harding. Can anyone tell me the process for getting read-write permission or this is out of the question? I sort of wondered why he was read-only; is he controversial?
Thank you for posting your question about read-only records. Any changes that need to be made to a read-only record must be forwarded to a specialty team.
Read-only records show a gold banner and allow no additions or changes. The Discussions and Latest Changes features are unavailable. Read-only records often have a notification that the record is confidential.
When we mark records as "read only," it prevents collaboration. Because we encourage collaboration, we do not accept guest requests to mark a record as read-only.
Reporting an error in a read-only record
To report an error in a read-only record or provide additional information, please post your question in the FamilySearch Community. Please include what you would like to change, and the reasons. Do not include any private information, like username, helper number, or email address.
A moderator can move your question to a team who can help. The team contacts you through a private message in Community if they need more information.
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We can help you with this. Please let us know specifically what information you would like to change in the record of Eugene DeWolf, LHTZ-RYG, and what needs standardized, and we will forward it to a specialty team.
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It's 'Brett'.
It is, his "Step-Father", Warren Gamaliel HARDING ( 2B2X-SLL ), who is the prominent individual/person.
[ ie. 29th President, of the United States of America (1921-1923) ... ]
[ As an aside: To whom I am directly "Related" ... ]
Eugene ( Pete) DE WOLF ( 2B2X-SLL ), is associated; and, hence, collateral ...
I would humbly suggest, that you personally (like me), may NOT get (permission/authority) to access, to be able to "Edit", ANY of the (/these) associated Family members; as, such MUST be done by 'FamilySearch'.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
What are read-only records in Family Tree?
I know, that this may not help/assist; but, I hope that this may provide some additional. insight; and, perspective>
ps: I would LOVE to be able to work on such of my "Ancestral" Lines - but, in this case, unfortunately, cannot.
pps: 'G'Day', "Cuz" ...
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Hi to FS Community: The fields that need standardization are obvious; that's the only thing I'd change.
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Hi Scott,
We are forwarding your standardization issue to a specialty team for review and resolution. You may be contacted if they need more information.
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My 6th great Grandfather Philip Livingston Jr. Esq. (L4WJ-NPW) shows his spouse as Sarah Livingston (L4WJ-NG8). This is not correct. She is either his sister or his daughter. Christina Ten Broeck (LBH7-TBS) is his wife. How do I correct this in my family tree?
Philip Livingston is a read only record.