I am trying to locate catholic church films in Kuczyn, Poland

I am looking for Catholic parish registers for the village of Kuczyn. Kuczyn is in the City of Klukowo in Wysokie Mazowieckie County, Pollaskie Voidship, Poland. Do you know if the parish registers have been filmed and just waiting to be digitialized or maybe I am looking in the wrong place in the catalog. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Marilyn Lambert
I searched the catalog under the place: Poland, Warszawa, Pułtusk. If that is correct there are three sets of records there, one being "Poland, Warszawa, Pułtusk, Klukowo, church records, 1874-1914." I hope that will give you the information that you need.
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I located that film myself and it is not the right one. The film should read: Poland, Bialystok, Podlaskie, Wysokie Mazowieckie, Kuczyn., Kosciol rzymsko-katolicki. I don't know if Kuczyn was filmed and not yet digitialized. Thank you for your help.
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All films have now been digitized, but not all digitized films can be published. Contracts between FamilySearch and the record owner determine whether a digitized film can be published and under what conditions. The Catholic Church is well known for its reluctance to collaborate with FamilySearch and to publish its records in general.
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Thank you for the information.
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It seems Kuczyn's records have not been filmed by FS.
What are the names of people you are looking for and when did the live ?
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I have Andrzeij Maksimczuk's (my great grandfather - born Nov. 25, 1846, in Kuczyn) birth record. His father was Franciszek Maksimczuk and his mother was Franciszka Naturalna. I obtained the record from the Archdioise of Lomza, Poland. They will retrieve records for you if you have specific dates (but they would like a donation - a small amount) but I have had difficulty in sending the money to Poland. I was hoping I could get the parish records from FHC. I am looking for Maksimczuk and Naturalna.
Thank you,
Marilyn Lambert
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Urodzenia - Births
Małżeństwa - Marriages
Zgony - Deaths
This is just the beginning. Are you familiar with www.genealodzy.pl ?
It has two major databases :
geneteka - indices
metryki - on-line records
Both are located in the left column within a section titled Nasze bazy.
See you on Monday
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Yes I am familiar with those web sites. I have searched for the Maksimczuk and Naturalna names that is how I discovered the birth record of Andrzeij Maksimczuk. Unfortumately that is all I could find unless I search the actual parish records.
Thanks for your help.
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I will see if that’s all what you could find. What were the names of witnesses and godparents at Andrzej’ s baptismal record?
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Witnesses were: Francis Tomczak aged 40 and Pawel Borochynski aged 35. Godparents were: Leon Lupa and Agnieszka Maksymczuk. Andrzej was born on November 25, 1846 in Grodek, Kuczyn, Poland.
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Thank you. The issue with the Kuczyn's records is that the gap between indexed records at geneteka 1801-25 and from 1890 ( indices+on-line records) up is that wide you are unable to connect your Maksimczuk/Maksymczuk and possibly Maksymowicz / Naturalna ( for females) and Naturalny( males) to their ancestry nor to their descendants. Nevertheless, you may consider doing the following :
- Stay actively patient untill more indexed records are published at genealodzy.pl. It will happen. In the meantime enter all Maksimczuks/Maksymczyks and Naturalny/Naturalna from Kuczyn into your tree because they are all related ( unless you have already done it).
- Go ahead and ask for some research from the diocese archive in Łomża. Miss Anna is a lovely and helpful person. Ask for researching marriages from 1865-75 if they are available. If Franciszek and Franciszka / Andrzej had offspring that survived till adulthood it is possible that some of the would have get married within that period of time. Then it's likely that you would be able to identify their children based on their births records and more probably based on their own marriage redords from 1890 because records and scans are availabl on-line. Being asked for a small donation seems to be a good deal.
- Are you familiar with the Projekt Podlasie ? If not please do the following. Get into the web, select English, register - it is obligatory, click "List of Indexed parishes". roll down to select Kuczyn and see what is there at periods that you are most interested in. I am not registered so I do not have access.
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Thanks. I do have access to Projekt Podlasie and have searched their indexes. I have searched the indexes and have found some information. However, there are no scans just indexes. I will try to be patient.
I did ask for Andreij's birth record and did receive a copy of the birth record from the diocese archive in Lomza. Pawel Nocko sent me the record. The query was valued at PLN25. I have no problem with the cost. My problem is that I do not know how to send the money. Pawel Nocko indicated the offering may only be made by postal order with the note "for storage and conservation of the Archive resources". and said the transfer can be made via the internet - htpp://www.poczta-polska.//finanse/prekazypkrojoweprzekaz-poczowy/ The address - Diocesan Archives in Lomza, Ul Sadowa 3, 18-400 Lomza. I do not read Polish and do not know how to navigate the Poczta-polska website and send money without a person's name to pick it up.
Is it possible you can explain it to me? How do I get in touch with Miss Anna at the diocese archive?
I know I have many questions but you have been very helpful.
Thanks again, Marilyn Lambert from the U.S.
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I have exchaged email correspondence with the priest Paweł Nocko at the diocese archive in Łomża. He said he would write to you again to provide bank account. This may lay foundation for your future correspondence about research if that's what you are intend to do. Unfortunately, Miss Anna no longer works there.
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Thank you so much for all your efforts. I now feel better knowing I can "donate to the archdiocese". Thank you for assisting me in that endeavor. I will await for Father Nocko's correspondence. I wish you and your family a "Very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year".
Marilyn Lambert
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Thank you very much for Christmas wishes.
Likewise to you and your loved ones joyous Christmas season and very happy and healthy New Year.
Wishing you a very successful research in 2022!