folder layout Sourcebox
Hola Eric, gracias por acudir a Comunidad en busca de mejores soluciones para hacer mejor tu trabajo, tu pregunta de como crear una carpeta dentro de otra, es muy fácil abres una carpeta le pones un nombre y luego cada cosa que quieras guardar en esa carpeta solo la arrastras con el mouse y la sueltas dentro de ella y luego das clik dos veces para abrir y se desplegara todo lo guardado ahí, espero haber respondido tu pregunta.
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To clarify for those trying to answer this question - the original poster is referring to SOURCE BOX
I'm not 100 % sure that last response (in spanish) applies to Sourcebox
I am not aware of an option to create subfolders in Sourcebox.
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@Eric Vandekerckhove ( & @Dennis J Yancey )
Eric ( & Dennis )
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
There has been, another, somewhat recent (26 October 2021) "Request'/"Suggested Enhancement", for the ability to CREATE "Sub-Folders", within the "Source Box" ...
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Suggest an Idea
source sub folders?
I think that the source box needs to be able to have subfolders, some people organize their main folders with family last names but this takes up all the allotted folders as names down the family tree can change frequently as daughters get married and big families exist. I was given the suggestion to do the folders alphabetically which helps to keep things according to the alphabet so you know where to look first but I still think that if one does it this way it would be faster and easier if you would allow subfolders in those main folders for organization sake. The Lord's gospel is supposed to be very organized, and how can we be like him if there is not enough room in the sources to be just as organized?
Unfortunately ...
In the recent, NEW; and, FIRST "Major" Update/Release, for MANY Years, for the "Source Box", there was NO ability/provision to create "Sub-Folders".
Maybe later ...
We can live in hope ...
Attention: @Bryce Roper ( FYI )