Ask a Community Question

Please use this thread to ask questions about the recent community upgrade.
Probably being a bit lazy here, as I haven't spent much time examining the upgraded "Community", but it is not immediately obvious where posts to the "Community" section of "Q and A" are now located.
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Its 'Brett'
The OLD 'Category' of "FamilySearch Community" ... is NO MORE ... it's GONE ...
And, it 'looks' like, ALL the associated "Posts", with that, may be GONE; as, well ...
[ Well, from "Public" view/access, in any case ... ]
One of the "Casualties", that we were warned about ... there some ...
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@Paul W - the community section of Q & A was retired, largely due to it becoming the catch-all for anything and everything. We will be migrating posts from the FamilySearch Community to the appropriate categories.
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Thank you for the prompt response. I just noticed General Interface and Other sections no longer have separate headings, either. In this case, I assume the new General Questions category will be the best place to post in future and the posts from all retired categories will be migrated in due course.
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@Paul W Correct.
Quick clarification - General Interface was an Idea category, which was consolidated into the Suggest an Idea category. Posts in Other will be migrated to General Questions in the near future.
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Filtering Ideas based on old Categories is not available. Any plans to add these filters?
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I am in the German group and can't ask a question. Just get an error message. Help!!!
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Question: What was the "Error Message"? (Can you post a "Screenshot"?)
Now ...
That Said ...
IF, you are referring to the 'Group':
Germany Genealogy Research
THEN, I just 'checked'; and, 'Yes', you are listed as a member of that particular 'Group',
As an aside ...
The 'Format" of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, "Changed", again, Yesterday, 1 November 2020.
As such ...
There could be some problems/issues ...
Although, I did not have to, you may need, to "Clear", your "Cookies"; and, "Cache" (and, maybe, you "Browsing History").
That is often, a simple "Fix", that sometimes works.
Just to be certain ...
Just go 'Down' the page/screen for a 'Group'.
The location of where to ask/submit NEW 'Questions'/'Discussions'/'Polls'/'Events', in a 'group', is down at the 'Level" of "Discussions", on the 'Right-Hand-Side' of the page/screen.
First ... there is the 'Group' (ie. "Details)
Next ... Announcements (if any)
Next ... Discussions
Next ... Events (if any)
Finally ... Members
I hope this helps.
IF, the above is not the case; THEN, please advise.
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I was able to post there. Assuming we are talking about the same group:
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I see that the upgrade did not address flags: they're still completely anonymous and unexplained, and I still can't find a way to contest them.
The effect of this is, um, highly unfriendly. Victims of random flaggers need a recourse, and flaggers need to be held accountable for inappropriate flags.
But a question occurs to me: what happens if someone accidentally clicks "Flag" instead of "Like" (since those two things have switched positions now)? Can one undo a flag? (I sure hope so!) Or did my completely-innocent comment get no less than five flags last night due to someone's unsuccessful attempts at removing an inadvertant flag?
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'Yes' ... it certainly would be nice to know who "Flagged" you ...
[ From one, who has been "Flagged", of a number ... ]
I did notice, some time back, a post (ie. "Question"), by a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], asking what "THEY" were supposed to "DO", about the "Flags", that they had "Received", to "Moderate".
If I recall correctly, there were NO responses, in that post; so that, I suggest that, that 'Question', MUST have been dealt with "Internally".
I have noticed, that some, of one's "Flags", disappear, from one's list; whereas, others remain.
I imagine the "Flags", that have disappeared, have been dealt with by a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ]; as, in those cases for me (anyway), there was NO contact with me; so that, I am assuming, that they had been "Dismissed"; whereas, those that remain, MUST still be subject to "Moderation".
Just my thoughts.
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[edit to detangle; something got mixed up... expanding...]
Five flags means 5 different users set a flag. For what it is worth, I don't see any reason either. Perhaps there is some hot button issue we Muggles are unaware of? I got hit like that once, also for no apparent reason. As for what to do about it:
- Perhaps just ignore? You have been conscientious in trying to see how you might have offended; that is all anyone can do with such anonymous feedback.
- The Report option under the flag can be used to send a rebuttal to the moderation team, and raise a flag about false flags.
- If you set a flag by accident, or have second thoughts, just flag again to unset the flag. That decrement the counter.
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I don't think I can believe that it had to be five different users. It's a comment I made five days ago on a week-old post, and it contains absolutely nothing that even remotely qualifies as "abuse" ( Prior to last night, the only attention it had gotten was a thumbs-up from Brett on the day I made the comment. What are the chances that five different people not only dug up and read the comment all on the same night, but also decided to flag it for some unknown reason?
I've tried the Report option. It did bubkus. (My previous two flags are still there. For no discernible reason.)
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As a test, I will set the Spam flag twice. Let's see if that gives you 2 Spam or 0 Spam.
Update: 0 Spam. I flagged and un-flagged the post above mine. It has no flags.
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Hello @genthusiast,
No plans to filter these at the moment. We're making some manual adjustments to help us tag, trend and report on ideas. Long term, we're exploring ways to improve the entire process using lessons learned from the previous idea categories.
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When I go to a category in FamilySearch Help, I page through discussions to be sure some of the older ones didn't miss getting appropriate answers. At the bottom of the screen are the usual numbers to click to move from page to page. Can you please increase the contrast to show more clearly which page I am on? I find it nearly impossible to discover which number to click to move to the next page because there is virtually no contrast. Thanks!
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Another "it could be better" request. When I go to groups and click to go to My Groups, I click to open a group. When I finish, I click the back arrow, but it does not return me to My Groups. It takes me back to the general Groups page. If you could fix it so that the back arrow returns me back one page (i.e., back to My Groups), I would be a happy camper. Obviously, when I remember, I can work around it by opening each of My Groups in a new tab, but I don't always remember.
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@N Tychonievich - great suggestion, @Brett . made a similar request. I've asked the dev team to look into ways this can be done in a future update.
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@N Tychonievich - Thanks for the suggestion. I've asked the dev team to look into this as well.
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Regarding ...
Here is the link/URL to my similar "Request" ...
FamilySearch Help
Category = General Questions
Dated: 1 November 2021
Minor Problem/Issue. Insufficient "Contrast"/"Definition", to Indicate, "Page"
I know the actual "Page" Number appears, at the TOP, in the URL ... But, who really notices that ...
[ I do; and, some might; but, not too many ... ]
Just my thoughts.
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Thanks for adding the link to the Free Research Consultation in the Quick Links Dashboard. Would you consider also adding a link to the Free Lookup Service? It's something I recommend often, and it would be great to have the link handy.
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I'm hysterically crying right now as someone (ELLALOIS) has overwrote over 20+ years of researching and verifying and making sure I was attaching correct documents and this person just comes in and creates another wife to my g-grandfather and completely erasing all my stories and ALL the data I collected is now under her name. I'm completed devastated. I worked so hard for so many years. For it all to be gone. I found my 2nd cousin and had so many stories to share. But sadly they are also gone. It feels like someone stole something from me and it hurts.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
You are not alone ...
Unfortunately, it happens ...
We ALL make MISTAKES ...
NONE of us are PERFECT ...
For starters ...
Do not panic ...
You may be able to address/fix the situation.
[ But, it may take some, 'Work'; and, 'Time' ... ]
▬ Go to your Great-Grandfather.
▬ Go to the 'Left-Hand-Side' of his "Person/Details" page/screen.
▬ Go down to the THIRD Section down, "Latest Changes".
▬ Go to the 'Bottom' of that "Latest Changes" Section.
▬ You will 'see' a "Show All" - select that - you can OPEN in a NEW 'Tab'; and/or, 'Window', if you wish.
▬ Now, you are in the "ChangeLog" for your Great-Grandfather.
▬ Go down the list of "Changes".
▬ Find; where, you Great-Grandmother was "Changed" (eg. Possibly through a "Merge"/"Combine" ...).
▬ You now, have a couple of options (ie. Especially, if such is a "Merge"/"Combine" ...).
▬ Open your Great-Grandmother
▬ ▬ "Restore" your "Deleted" (ie. "Archived") Great-Grandmother.
......... [ that should, bring you back; as, the principal contributor/researcher ... ]
▬ ▬ Either,
(1) "Merge"/"Combine" the TWO (x2) individuals/person so that your Great-Grandmother in the "Surviving" individua/person - that should, bring you back; as, the principal contributor/researcher ....
OR ...
(2) Simply "Detach" the OTHER individua/person altogether; but, that will leave them 'hanging'.
.... [ Whereas, be certain, that they are NOT one and the same person ... required a "Merge"/"Combine"
▬ IF, the TWO (x2) Women/Females, are one and the same person; THEN, simply (Re) "Merge"/"Combine" them; so that, your version, is the "Surviving" individual/person.
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I undo a merge in Family Tree?
How do I fix a merge that has information from multiple people in Family Tree?
I know that this does not help; but, I hope that this gives you an avenue to pursue to address/fix the matter.
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I'm not going to go back and read all the comments on this thread because I just don't have time right now. But, am I the only person who didn't know that the + plus sign was how you could ask a question?
I don't usually ask questions, but, it seems to me a little presumptuous to think that the users of this new community would know that the plus sign meant "ask a question" or "start a new discussion". Last night it took about five minutes to figure out how to create a new post so I could tell a person how to ask a question. I've been wondering why all of these old questions have been popping up in the Indexing Q&A section with new posts. But, without knowing how to start a new thread, I can see why!
Maybe it is a "duh" moment just for me ... but, I would like to see "Ask a Question" come back!
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For me, the + sign is attached to the blue "Ask A Question" button. I know there have been some elements others have not seen because AdBlock or uBlock had been set to eliminate them. If you are not seeing the blue button, perhaps check those settings.
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I don't know if this is related to the upgrade to Community, as I didn't explore it before, but: what's up with showing me my discussions?
In the "Quick Links" section that's visible on most Community pages, there's a My Discussions link. If I click that, it shows me nine of my discussions, the oldest one from October 2020, the most recent from late September this year. (I've posted several questions to the Germany research group since then.)
The link says I have 30 discussions, but there is no "more" or "next page" or any other such navigation on the page.
If I click my profile icon at the top right and choose "My Discussions 30" from that, I end up on the same page of nine discussions.
If I click my profile icon and click my name instead, I end up on my profile page, where there's a link at the right for "Discussions 30". If I click that, it shows me seven discussions, including my most recent ones. There is a "more" link at the bottom, which adds ten more discussions. Clicking it again adds nine, with no further link. This gives a total of 26 discussions, some of them from 2019 consisting of nothing but a link to an image that I must have posted in response to someone's question back then.
Why does it keep saying 30 but showing me 9 or 26 (depending on how I ask)? Also, an image posted to a predecessor system is not a discussion. What's going on with that?
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I have noticed the limited/pages discussions before as well. I have never seen all my discussions on one page - they have always been paged (excepting perhaps back when I had less than 10?). As far as why some may not be appearing? I don't know - maybe removed from circulation for 'some reason'?
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Thanks @Áine Ni Donnghaile for sharing that. Now I realize it probably has something to do with Safari and Mac users. I won't change my setting though or use anything that isn't supported by Apple just to index or operate in this community. I bet there are other Mac users like me out there. ;) Usually the FamilySearch IT groups finds a way to solve the problem. I'll watch for it!
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi - the issue existed before the upgrade to the community. I had noticed it from the earliest days of my participation. My profile shows 18, but there are only 4 visible.
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My "Discussions" (ie. NOT 'Comments" in posts) are even worse ...
Not long back it stated 522 (or, thereabouts), Now, ONLY 516 ...
[ For starters ... What happened to those x6 (or, MORE) that have just, ALL of a SUDDEN ... "Disappeared"? ]
Even worse, ONLY x10 Pages, with x10 per Page; and, ONLY x6 on the 10th Page, for "Total" of ONLY 96.
[ What happened to rest of x420 or 426 (or, MORE) that are just NOT there ... ALL "Gone"? ]
I DO NOT even think, that ANY of my Posts (ie. NOT 'Comments' in posts), in ANY of the 'Groups', that I am a member are listed.
When I go to the last of my pages, the penultimate post is 'Dated' that of September 2020; and, the last post is 'Dated' in July 2019, with NOTHING in-between those two (July 2019 to September 2020); and, NOTHING after July 2019.
Looks like a bit of a mess/nightmare ... MUCH is MISSING.
And ...
As an aside ...
WHY, are our 'Comments', NOT listed, in "Quick Links", LIKE "Discussions"?
Would be so much better if they were ...
Just my thoughts