Why do my search titles change to French?
This is just getting annoying! I have used Familysearch for researching records only for decades! Lately, the search criteria switch to French, and I don't read, speak or write French! When I go to settings, it says it's set to English! Once I come out of the settings page, the titles, labels etc are all back in English - for a while! Why? Is ther any way of contacting FS techies to try and resolve this? Is ithere anyone out here that has an answer?
@Rose Kelland We are not sure which area of FamilySearch you are viewing. We believe it is the Search Historical Records. If this is the case and you are seeing the search headings and criteria in French and you desire English, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Francais and change to English, then scroll down a little further and click on the Apply button.
If this does not answer your question, please reply here.
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No, that doesn't work as it already says English!! But after going to that page, changing nothing, and going back to my original page, it's all back to English for a while! ???!!!
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@Rose Kelland We are able to replicate the problem, so perhaps you can provide a few more details to help us help you:
Is everything on the screen in French when this happens? If not, which parts are?
Can you give us a step-by-step description of where you are clicking on FamilySearch and what you search terms are so we can try to reproduce the problem?
What operating system do you have on your computer? (Apple iOS, Windows, Linux, something else?). Is your operating system an older version? That can be a problem.
What browser are you using? (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, something else?). Please check that your browser is up to date. FamilySearch supports the 4 browsers listed above--the current version and the one previous. If your browser is out of date, that could be the problem. To see if your browser is up to date, for most of the browsers, you can click an icon that looks like 3 lines or 3 dotas in the top-right. Then click Help and then About [browser]. If you need to update, it will tell you, or automatically launch an update.
Have you cleared your browser cache and cookies lately? Might be time for some computer housekeeping. You can clear just the cookies for familysearch first to see if that fixes it. Click in the box below to do it.
Hopefully, we will be able to nail this problem down for you.
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These are two screenshots. The first is how it normally is - in English; the second, just randomly changes to these French titles!
And while on the second screenshot page, this is the settings where one would normally change to English:
I am using Firefox; all up to date and cookies cleared etc.
The first screenshot was yesterday as it was normal! The second and third were today when I opened.
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@Rose Kelland Thank you for the screen shots. Very helpful. Just to be sure we have it right, is this what happens?
- You click Search and then Records and search for Stanley George Filmer Brown.
- In the search results, you click the camera icon for a record in the South Africa, Methodist Parish Registers to view the image.
- The image comes up, but now everything on the page is in French.
I tested it on 3 different computers, using a public account, and cannot reproduce the problem. In Firefox and in Chrome, everything stayed in English. Perhaps some other Community users can try it out and see if they get the same curious behavior that you are experiencing. If we can find a way to reproduce the issue, we can bring it to the attention of the engineers.
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Exactly! This is what I mean that it appears random and definitely only in Family Search!! For now, at this very minute, it's all English, but I could do another search and it'll come up with those French titles!!!!
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Let's try this again. Please explain how "Nom du pere" is "English" as per settings at the bottom of the page. As I've said before, this only happens with Family Search, so please don't start blaming my computer! Can it be fixed please.
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Try contacting FamilySearch Support at : pacificsupport@familysearch.org