Guest'a question with many answers--no concrete response
unable to do indexing
RosalieAbanaV ✭ September 8
need help, posted it before, i am including more details this time .. my husband uses this same computer, able to log in to family search and do indexing.
(google , windows 10. ) if i try logging in to family search, i am able to do family search, view and edit family tree but if i click web indexing it shows An error has occurred that may affect your ability to use this page. FamilySearch has been notified. Try Again if i try clicking find batches it shows Error
An error has occurred that may affect your ability to use this page. FamilySearch has been notified.
11ab254e | my-indexing:p6804248 . if i click reset at bottom part of indexing, it shows same error message the last time i was able to do indexing was about 5 years ago. tried contacting the live chat but they were not able to fix it. does anybody know how to fix it? i wonder if my account is blocked from indexing or something.
Best Answers
Since this does not occur for everyone using (google, windows 10) I guess it is specific to the patron's system, browser account, windows user account, or FamilySearch account. For example maybe a conflict with an extension they have added to google, a particular setting in google (i assume chrome is meant here), or perhaps some other software application they have added to their system that is interfering. I would definitely be trying to find out the specific version of google and windows they are using - from the Help>About options.
In some of her other posts she indicates she has been unable to index for 5 years? it would be difficult to find out what changed 5 years ago. Does the user still have the Indexing application from years ago and is trying to access indexing through that java app rather than through the webapp? I wouldn't think so - but you never know.
Another possible problem could be with the Windows system or user account - maybe with the way it accesses files/folders or something. The user can create another Windows user account and see if that resolves the issue. Unfortunately, I would not know what that setting might be - perhaps a FamilySearch engineer might know what contingent browser/system services would be needed to be checked.
As the question is now being asked I think there just isn't enough information to answer it well. A different browser, Microsoft Edge, for example I assume has been tried and results in the same error? If so then I guess there could be something wrong with the user's FamilySearch account - but I wouldn't know how to fix that and would recommend they call FamilySearch Support, 866-406-1830 and choose the option for login assistance - because they should be able to tell the user if something is wrong with their account. @Melissa S Himes I don't know the effect of multiple accounts - is it ok to create an member of The Church of Jesus Christ account and a FamilySearch account separately? would having multiple accounts be any sort of problem other than not really being needed - unless one account has something locked causing a problem - which I wouldn't know anything about.
@Allison Lathrop Also, it almost sounds like the user is getting a message for attempting to open an 'expired' batch. I don't know if that is what they are clicking on or if something is locked under their indexing account. If someone could remote share their screen and see when the user is getting this message it would be helpful. For example, where is the "RESET at bottom part of indexing" she describes - I can find no such option - perhaps it's on the error message/screen? If it is an expired batch message I would think they could request a new batch and see if they get the same error.
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Since her husband can index on the SAME computer, one would assume that he accesses FamilySearch the same way she is trying to. I think she should try to create a new account and see if she can index. If she can, then there is a problem with her original account.
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That is an excellent idea, Melissa, and is absolutely the next thing that @RosalieAbanaV should try.
I get that message when I have a poor internet connection but it always resolves itself when I try again.
so sorry I am of no help.