Together by FamilySearch Feedback
⭐️Note: This space is only for posts related to feedback from Together by FamilySearch as announced at RootsTech. Please refrain from posting general questions that are unrelated to this topic.⭐️
In a world where everyone is always online, it can be hard for families to really connect and understand each other. Together by FamilySearch is a new app for building, exploring, and sharing your story with loved ones. It is specifically designed to strengthen your family past, present and future. The app presents you with an almost unlimited supply of questions and prompts to help you tell and preserve your most important memories. Families can create groups on Together and everyone in the group has full access to the thoughts, memories, photos, and stories of every family member.
Together by FamilySearch is an incredible tool for organizing your family history and strengthening your relationships with living family members. It will bring family members of all ages together: grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren, cousins, aunts, and uncles in a unique and fun way.
Strengthen family ties with Together by FamilySearch.
👉️Before you comment, please review the following:👇️
Together by FamilySearch - click to go to the tool
Reported Issues - Review these to see if someone has already posted about the issue that you have found.
As you create a new Discussion, select the down arrow, and then "Ask a Question". To allow the engineers to recreate the issue, please copy the URL showing the page with the issue, and paste the hyperlink (without pressing the enter key) in the comments. Include screenshots if possible (How to Upload Images) and indicate your computer and browser info as a part of your report.
We truly appreciate your feedback.
Reported Issues & their statusesReported Issues In Android app, no indication that there is more than one photo in a post 22-Aug-…