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Why are the JPG comments (sometimes) removed when I upload a photo ?I use the JPG comment field to include extra information with the photo. However, I've noticed tha…
Drag-and-drop doesn't work if there are no memories yetAdding a new photo (memory) using drag-and-drop works fine if there's already something in the Memo…
Memories: Review photo restricted. "Restricted in Error"Hi! I used to receive an email letting me know that my picture was restricted, but I am not receivi…Answered Closed Sabrina Tundidor Tizzano 401 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sabrina Tundidor Tizzano Memories
Is there a link to an article about how to upload pictures of ancestors and self to FamilySearch?I am doing a 20 minute presentation about how to put faces of yourself and living family and ancest…