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Unrecognizable SurnameI am indexing a petition for naturalization, [MQ5S-ZCP], and I can not accurately decipher the pers…
When can "quote marks" be used in the name fields? If they shouldn't be used, why are they allowed?When can "quote marks" be used in the name fields? If they shouldn't be used, why are the…Answered Closed Roberta Gillard McClung 91 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by BraydenGraves Family Tree
Finnish SurnameI have been working on Finnish genealogy for many years, and have been taught by my relatives, incl…Answered Closed IronRangeVolunteerProject 381 views 11 comments 6 points Most recent by Maile L Family Tree
Is "De" included in the surname?Hiya. I'm indexing a Petition for Naturalization, and I came across a name I'm unsure how to index…Answered Closed Trivette Cosper 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Indexing
1Having more options and tag names when taging resources in Family TreeI would like to suggest that there are more options given in the tags when taggin resources when ad…