Standardized dates
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Why have 'system dates' changed format in several areas?I am looking at a Merge screen and the 'Added' date format has changed from 'Added: 20 March 2020' …
New Source Linker should keep the data it suggests and appears to save.Using the new source linker it is great that dates and locations appear to be standardized Such as…Answered ✓ Closed Michael Benzi 111 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Michael Benzi Family Tree
2Volunteer Groups - Entered Non-Standardized Dates and PlacesI've observed several different types of "Volunteers Groups" making posts to my families …
standardized date issueLately when I am updated an index, I am getting errors with the dates. I can even select from the …
1Show day of the weekMake the date show the day of the week on hover. Many of the obituary information only mention day…Active Closed WarnerDarylDay 211 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by WarnerDarylDay Suggest an Idea
For engineers: Hidden characters in date fieldI see this bug/glitch/mysterious behavior occasionally. Here I caught one and instead of fixing it…Answered Closed dontiknowyou 401 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree