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Merging ProfilesI recently made a FamilySearch profile for myself and it assigned me a number. However, my mom has …Answered Closed JessicaHopkins5 202 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by lstolk36 FamilySearch Account
If a living person adds a living relative and another living person adds the same living relativeIf a living person adds a living relative and another living person adds the same living relative i…Answered ✓ Closed Civille Brown 181 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Civille Brown General Questions
Siblings problemHi, i don’t know how to show brothers And sisters in my family tre. ex: i have a brother And his pr…Answered ✓ Closed NicholasBaronti 801 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by genthusiast Family Tree
Linking member on my family tree to other people (other Family Search user, and people from my treeLinking member on my family tree to other people (other Family Search user, and people from my tree…
Princess Margaret is listed but not Queen Elizabeth?In tracing a family tree I can see where Princess Margaret is listed under King George VI and Eliza…
how do we merge living family members?hi, we are trying to connect our living family. how do we do that? can we use each others id numbe…
How do family members join family trees together? (Everyone in my immediate family has different faHow do family members join family trees together? (Everyone in my immediate family has different f…Answered Closed 明理17187674691 1.2K views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by 明理17187674691 Family Tree
Information to delete and connectInformation to delete and connectI accidentally added my father's grandson as his son. How do I del…Answered ✓ Closed User1589301111062361284 271 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Brett . Family Tree