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Can’t find documents on my great grandmotherHey guys, I really need some help. I’ve been having trouble finding a birth certificate, christenin…
How to change my email addressHow to change my email addressAnswered ✓ Closed Susan McGary 671 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by shpark13 FamilySearch Account
Is it possible to split a record that's been merged?I'm in a bit of a panic. There are about a million John Deckers born in the late 1800s in NY and I…
1search by ancestral file numberI'm pretty sure that years ago, you could do a search just by inputting the AFN. what happened to t…Active Closed Ray Allen Long 711 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Suggest an Idea
Anyone going to SLC library can can look up a record for me?Hi, I'm looking to see if anyone who is a Latter-day Saint and has a current temple recommend is po…
This site looks very interesting.Hello everyone, Here is a site that might be useful. Enjoy, Anitra