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0THIS IS A COMPLAINT:I M Coester said: THIS IS A COMPLAINT: Source Linker DOES NOT WORK. It does not work in the morni…
0Marking (Photo) Memories as a DuplicateDallin McArthur said: As I'm sure many people have run across, I have several people in my tree who…praise Closed LegacyUser 577 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey Suggest an Idea
0Keep the combined records column headings visible.Sherwood Davis said: On the combined records page it would be helpful if there was some way to keep…Under Consideration Closed LegacyUser 242 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Djyoung Suggest an Idea
0Restricting photos...what does it mean?Ron Ray said: When I added a picture from it put the word 'restricted' on the photo …
1Asking questions?Julie Barbara Bell said: A wonderful tool is to be able to type in questions and find answers. I a…
1Empty images on some South African estate file filmsIn some of the digital films of the South Africa, Transvaal, Probate Records from the Master of the…new Closed MelissaCornFinlay 103 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by MelissaCornFinlay Suggest an Idea
0Where have the digitized records of the Diocese of Monreale gone?Leita Spoto said: Hello, I have been using the church records of the province of Palermo, Diocese…