Record Searching
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For FS engineers: Search result discrepancyThe index record shows New York; the image and its indexing details show Rhode Island. Screenshot …
Idaho County, Idaho Judgements and index: DGS 4533342I am trying to view the index (item 7) for Idaho County, Idaho, and the Judgements (item 6) for 187…Answered ✓ Closed Laurie Skinner Francis 214 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
0Number attached to name in recordKaren Owens said: Have been doing research and found the above when doing research for a recor…
0Not able to Tag PhotoIsaac Montague said: Not able to tag photo. I uploaded a photo but when I click on it to tag it not…
Source Linker for 1920 U.S. Federal Census Dropping Locality Data in Event LocationI want to make clear up front that this is not about the broader issue with source linking right no…
Catalog search returning no results for anything I search forI have tried searching for several locations. The location shows up in the list, but then returns &…Answered ✓ Closed Jennifer Poland 571 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
Is there a search that will find this record?I think that Johann Gürgen has a twin named Gerhard Jürgen that was somehow dropped from the tree. …
20New Search FormatI am literally going to cry at the changes in the format to Closed Kimberly Brohamer-Loveland 635 views 11 comments 20 points Most recent by Kerry Steiner Suggest an Idea