Purpose of FamilyTree
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how to "search" just my family treehelp! how do I search within only my family tree? I'm trying to locate a person added, and I have…Answered ✓ Closed joy_gryffindor 3.4K views 15 comments 2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
Can somebody explain to me why some one is adding people to my tree? Who gave them access?Can somebody explain to me why someone is adding people to my tree? Who gave them access to my tree…
Can I trust my family tree?Hello, I am from Brazil (excuse my english) and I was looking for my family tree when I discovered …Answered ✓ Closed ana claudiafelisberto bongiolo 401 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by ana claudiafelisberto bongiolo General Questions
What is the goal of FamilySearch.orgWhat is the goal of FamilySearch.org
Why should someone use FamilySearch?Why should someone use FamilySearch? These are some great videos on the subject: WHY USE FAMILYSEA…