Profile changes
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Profile Picture SizingWe need to have more control to adjust the size and visible area in Profile Pictures. I am particul…
How to start over with a family tree?Hello, I'd like to know the best course of action for correcting mistakes in the family tree made b…
How do I change my profile name, as I have changed my name back to my maiden name.I am divorced and I have changed most of my title back to my maiden name, however, on my profile is…Answered ✓ Closed TM Kaleopa 312 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by TM Kaleopa FamilySearch Account
Edit Profile optionsWith the recent changes of FamilySearch separating accounts from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latt…
Changes made by others to family member's profile.Is there a way to see previous comments made on a profile of a family member? Example, I listed un…