Discussion List
0Putting a link on the catalog to show if films are available at BYU.Katie Schmoldt said: I work at the BYU FHL and I think it would be really cool if you were to be ab…
0FamilySearch Indexing-Spanish Records-Need to change instructions, or data fieldsShirleyG said: Having researched in Spanish records for many years, I find the instructions need to…
0Seeing possible names on a mapDavid Willden said: When search for a name, it would be wonderful to see candidates on a map to hel…praise Closed LegacyUser 231 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by walterleeyorgason1 Suggest an Idea
0Marking (Photo) Memories as a DuplicateDallin McArthur said: As I'm sure many people have run across, I have several people in my tree who…praise Closed LegacyUser 571 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey Suggest an Idea
0Please allow us to change the order in which photos appear in the Memories section of FamilySearchLoretta Trentman Hay said: Please allow us to change the order in which photos, documents and stori…praise Closed LegacyUser 361 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ronald J. Barton Suggest an Idea
0Entire film indexed with incorrect locationHeidi Marie Soderquist said: Film 1810971, which is the collection for Taufen 1841-1857 of the Fürs…
0Jamaica Civil Marriages & Deaths 1971-1995 part APatricia Donaldson said: Hello, I was directed to this page by ''. After i…
0Praise for FamilySearch FamilyTree engineersPaulaAnn Bulfinch Miller said: Thank you SOOOOO Much for changing the Submit button in "Helper…
0ALIVE not DEADRichard Walker said: Why is it that anyone can report you dead and this is accepted as factual imme…