Person Page
Discussion List
Feedback on mention of draft registrations in timelineWhen a woman is listed for her husband for a draft registration card, it comes up as her serving in…
1Number of Children Fact fieldI would like to see a "Number of Children Fact field" made available. There is currently …
Place name entry is more complicated on new pageIn the new page the birthplace and death place entry is harder. In the old page I could enter spiri…Answered Closed Albin Dittli 461 views 9 comments 2 points Most recent by Albin Dittli General Questions
1Increase limit of profiles that can be followedHi there. I've just come up against a ceiling imposed on the number of profiles that can be followe…
2Automatic Calendar/Date CalculatorIf I edit a date on the person page there is a symbol called "Expand Content". I would li…
1Photos or images in the timeline for residences, events, etcPhotos of family members are displayed in the timeline for people, but there are only little icons …
1Family Name Research GroupsI would like to see a feature in FamilySearch where we can create a collaborative research group ba…Active Closed Brad E Minnis 131 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
4Flag person as not marriedWe all find relatives that never married. In the "Spouse and Children" window, it would b…
2Collaborate: Discussions vs. Notes, tutorial to explain.Suggestion to FamilySearch designers: Under Person, under Collaborate; it is not clear what the dif…Active Closed W Andrews 161 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
1More detailed overview of person for attaching hintsIt would be really nice to be able to see more than the "preferred" spouse on the overvie…Active Closed Baker, Kailey Lynn 61 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Baker, Kailey Lynn Suggest an Idea