Increase limit of profiles that can be followed
Hi there. I've just come up against a ceiling imposed on the number of profiles that can be followed, namely 4,000.
The ability to follow profiles is one of the most useful functions on Family Search and allows users to keep up to date with any changes in information relating to their ancestors and relatives.
Would it be possible for this limit to be raised in order to assist those with larger involvement in the common tree here on Family Search?
This request has been made many times over the years - and the answer has always been, "No".
Not being computer savvy, I can't explain the detail, but we have been told this would be overstretching the capabilities of the program in its operating efficiently.
Also, are you sure you could cope with keeping an eye on all those IDs? I am currently following around 1,600 and even this number causes a great deal of work, in my having to revert incorrect changes. I find my priorities often have to be rearranged in order to address some truly awful work by inexperienced (and sometimes quite experienced!) Family Tree participants. Sometimes this can take a day or two to sort out, so I dread to think of the position if I were following double that number - let alone over 4,000.
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Hi @Paul W. Many thanks for your post. Yes, I am fine handling the following of 4,000 profiles. And yes, it gets fun if somebody has made an incorrect merge, for example, and I have to disentangle it. But in doing so, I feel that I am contributing to the community and to the shared tree by keeping an eye on my piece of it, and of course very often folk add new info that is useful to me and my research.
Sadly I've now been forced to set up a new additional account in order to follow the overflow of profiles from that. It is significantly extra work to balance the two accounts, but that is life. If I had been aware of the limit from the start, I would have divided the two accounts into maternal and paternal in order to stay within the limit, but it's far too late for that now.
Anyway, a real shame that the powers that be are unable and/or unwilling to increase the limit to avoid such inefficient workarounds. But I'll soldier on...
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Wow that is some diligent work you are doing! Thanks for keeping the tree in your area correct. :)
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Thanks Jordi. All the best with your research!
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I've got 1027 people I am following, mainly ancestors and their siblings. Or possible ancestors.
I'd like to be able to opt out of notifications for minor changes such as correcting an abbreviated date, or standardizing a place name. Or when someone adds something then immediately deletes it.