Person Page Enhancement
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5Show if a record is attached to the selected person from family tree when performing a searchWhen one starts a search for records from the Person page, the "search results" page show…Active Closed GabrielArtaud 411 views 16 comments 5 points Most recent by James F. Carroll Suggest an Idea
0Relationship Type for parentsWe should be able to put "no known marriage" or "unwed mother." I have a case i…
2Surrogate Mother----------------- ------------------ ----------------- 14 January 2023 - Saturday @ 11:04amMST D…Active Closed wendellhawsjreyring1 271 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by LauraleeT1 Suggest an Idea
2User-posted image for an EVENT that appears in the TIMELINE.How do I post an image to an EVENTS item that shows up in the TIMELINE, instead of and in place of …
2Residence TagIn the New format under Events, Residence and others are shown as 0 sources. These all came from …
1QuestionsWhat are you trying to accomplish? Why? I would like to have questions answered by others researchi…Active Closed brendaruple 251 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Jane Cantrell Brookman Suggest an Idea
1Remove the requirement for Description of Immigration boxI just noticed that if you are adding immigration you now have to put something in the "Descri…Active Closed Alaina Zulli 121 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Jane Cantrell Brookman Suggest an Idea
2Map dots and calendar markingsPlease put the map dots and calendar markings on the Person Page so we can see if the locations and…Active Closed Cherie Ailene Morgan 861 views 22 comments 2 points Most recent by GabrielArtaud Suggest an Idea
1Put Custom Facts at top of the listWhen adding facts, the custom facts option will be used the most. Please put it at the top of the l…
3Need Research LogIt would be really helpful if we had a research log (table format) that is anchored to the top of t…