indexing errors
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Is this the good place for index beginning on the wrong page ?Hi, On the census the index is beginning on the first page but refers to page 3, everything is offs…
All Indexing Projects resulting in errorAnyone else with this issue? Any solution for this? I have already cleared cookies/cache.
Can't Access Indexing ProjectsI tried getting into the indexing program but it keeps redirecting me to an "internal server e…
Who do I talk to about a mistake in indexing?Hi there, the image here…
Incorrectly indexed documentHello! I've found a (very) incorrect document, somehow whatever/whomever indexed it convoluted 4 di…Answered ✓ Closed Lucas Lima Gesteira 251 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by LarryClark43 Indexing
Is there anyway to add a person skipped during indexing?On the US 1930 Census (Alabama, Hale, Harrison, ED 4), there's a family of Clarence Monday, his wif…
Indexing Error New York Passenger Lists…
Proper indexingPlease advise on the following ‘problem’, a person with the name: Hendrik van de Langenbergh in the…Answered ✓ Closed HendrikAltena 231 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
5Create Official Statement from FamilySearch regarding perceived Indexing Errors - Standardized PlaceThere are so many people complaining about bad indexing and indexers not entering the correct data …