Field errors
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Verkeerde verwijzing bij geboorte registers ná 1811 (betreft geen doop)Bij het merendeel van de collectie "Netherlands Births and Baptisms, 1564-1910, staat als soor…Answered ✓ Margreet 41 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Lars van Ravenzwaaij Nederlands - Dutch
Error with review of [Ghana—2010 Census]I am running into a glitch on the birthplace field in the Ghana 2010 Census project. The field does…
Data Transcription Error on this post is in the wrong category, please direct it to the correct category, or advise me and I…
Standard Event Place bug on Census Source LinkerI have just been linking sources of censuses to individuals in the extended family. As the default…Answered Closed J.T. Sobiesczyk 181 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi General Questions
Index batch with more than 1000 names - Interface field too smallI have indexed a batch with over a 1000 names as shown above. The field highlighted in yellow is t…