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Add "Friends" To Family SearchWhen tagging people in photos and other media, I believe an option to add a friend would be a good …Answered Closed Hendrix, Alexander Max 692 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Brett . Family Tree
Unable to link billiongravesHi all, I was attempting to complete some volunteer work via Family Search Tree Connect and I keep…
Wrong Book AttachedGood morning: I wanted to address an issue in the search catalog. I was searching for the book Dan…
Return to old search functionThe new search function is not intuitive, difficult to modify & generally not nearly as good as…
Inconsistency. Banner. Weekly Update/Release. Sunday (PM) / Monday (AM). Mountain Time. Time LASTINGAdministration FamilySearch Subject: Inconsistency. Banner. Weekly Update/Release. Sunday (PM) / Mo…