Family Tree Enhancement
Discussion List
5We need someway to identify hijacked records and stabilize identitiesWhen I train patrons to use Family Tree, I always emphasize to them the importance of verifying tha…
2My request is Classes first before allowing uploading of Gedcom for 2023Here’s a duplicate profile that was created by a Gedcom I think my assumption is correct when i say…
Downloading a family treeIs it possible to download a family tree in a pdf format so that it could more easily be printed?
1READ ONLYRead only should be discontinued completely, especially for spouses of general authorities. These a…
Add parishes to Copenhagen place namesI am currently trying to research several families in Copenhagen who have similar names. Since they…
1Source updateFrequently I am adding sources that have more than one vital record in the same record, but only on…
2Add preferences to descendancy chartsI agree with the person who said it would be a huge improvement if you could add a 5th or 6th gener…
2Free Printable Family TreeInclude Grandchildren in the Free Printable Family Tree. Withhout inclding them, it is really not …Active Closed RobertHartley6 271 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
3"Follow" and "Label" suggestionsLove the new feature BUT would really like to see some enhancements to make it more useful. When I…
1Ability to find/display original date of joiningRecently I wanted to find out the date I first joined Family Search and was really surprised to fin…Active Closed Cookee_NZ 361 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea