Errors in documents
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errorswho do you contact to fix errors?
Federal Census Indexing and Original Document ErrorsI have found that some United States Federal Census documents contain errors. As a result, they ma…Answered ✓ Closed StanfordHolcomb 381 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
1Film doesn't match the descriptionAt his URL…
1No "Report error" available?On the profile John Lumsden there is a source that…
How can I communicate an error in the images?I have recently found that a book which is marked as Baptisms is actually Marriages. How can I comm…
Can someone fix this image set?Starting at image 18 the left and right sides of the pages no longer line up. So images 16 and 17 a…Answered Closed meredithannkenney1 371 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by N Tychonievich Search