Accessing the To Do List
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How do I recover my To-Do List, which disappeared about 4 months ago?I have written to many times and received no answer, so let´s try this com…Answered ✓ Jose Roberto do Rego 156 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by Rhonda Budvarson General Questions
2To-Do ListIdea: Ascending and Descending Tab by Date An “Ascending Tab” and “Descending Tab” to sort the To-…Active Closed GloriaHorrellKendallUdy 44 views 0 comments 2 points Started by GloriaHorrellKendallUdy Suggest an Idea
1To Do List accessed from the individual person's profile.It would be amazing to be able to add to the to do list from the person page. As it is now, I have…Active Closed Stacee Pitt 115 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by George Riley Jennings Jr Suggest an Idea