Discussion List
0Just FYI: Sometimes after scrolling up on the website, the smaller header stays in view and does notJordi Kloosterboer said: Sometimes I find a glitch with the view of the webpage. Scrolling up and d…
0Restore Buttons in Change History do not Appear to be Working CorrectlyJeff Wiseman said: Some residences for 4 or 5 of my ancestors recently were changed to inappropriat…
0Yvonne Gagnon born February 1899Marie Claire Proulx said: The 1911 transcription for the Canada Census is erroneous. Yvonne Gagnon …
0Family Tree no securePaula Jewell said: I want to remove my family tree from your location. It has been changed so many…
0I'm excited for these new changes coming up! I can see a few of those changes from suggestions givenJordi Kloosterboer said: Here is a link that goes to the new changes coming in 2020 for everyone wh…
0NoordwijkVerkadej said: For several events in the Netherlands, you mention the place "Noordwijk, Drenth…
0Fan charts require more accuracyMarianne **** said: I love fan charts, but sometimes the years shown can be very misleading. For ex…
03 Discovery messages at once is too much --- and I have My Ancestors messages turned off! (please mm said: 3 Discovery messages at once is too much --- and I have My Ancestors messages turned off! …
0IDEA: Have spouse's names show up when looking at individuals in familiesJustin Masters said: I can't begin to explain how OFTEN I would LOVE to see the spouse's names alon…