Discussion List
0Records Hints not appearing on the Tasks.Michael Stansbery said: Could the "Record Hints" be expanded to include more generations.…
0Correct Marriage Transcripts.johnrobinson32177 said: Two transcripts of marriage records for Jefferson County, Alabama mistakenl…
0Do not require reason statement for creating a person if Date is added for death fieldJordi Kloosterboer said: I used to not need to require a reason for adding someone if I provided a …
0film number 245371Jim Kuksuk said: i see that all the records from 1661-1943 kirchenbuch klien katz have been digitiz…
0Parental/Spouse definition changeJeffery Cox said: With today's events, husband and wife circumstances are not always applicable. No…
0What does "Restore" mean when FamilySearch added a record? (Track Changes page)Justin Masters said: I'm looking at this page: And…
0No Way to Remove Names Accidentally Added to a MessageJeff Wiseman said: The title says it all. Obviously someone is experimenting in the producti…
0Go direct to a specific ancestor rather than tabbing through all the generations to find themJulie Sheridan said: Is there any way that we can have a sort of 'search for' box somewhere on the …
0FamilySearch. Guided Help. Signified by "Light Bulb". On MOST pages/screens. PLEASE give us "Option"Brett said: FamilySearch. "Guided Help" Signified by the "Light Bulb&…
0Just FYI: Sometimes after scrolling up on the website, the smaller header stays in view and does notJordi Kloosterboer said: Sometimes I find a glitch with the view of the webpage. Scrolling up and d…