Discussion List
0Data in Source Linker and Indexed data being Linked Do Not MatchJeff Wiseman said: For some time now I have been noticing that data provided in the Source linker f…
0Full Time Missionaries Can Do Some FamilySearch indexing as Part of Their ServiceMarla J. Pulsipher said: While we are self- distancing due the flu epidemic and full and part time …
0WAYS TO MAKE FAMILYSEARCH MORE USER-FRIENDLY.Jill Arnette Weaver said: Constant complaint from patrons that come in our center is that the websi…
0Number of duplicates in the world wide treeterry blair said: In my little corner of the world I spend much of my time merging duplicate record…
0Group "People I'm Watching" list results into *one* row, per individual, followed by total changes cRyan Noyes said: I use "Lists" to view changes made by others (by hiding changes I've mad…
0Permission Denied when using source linkerNolan Bateman said: Just got this message Permission Denied We are sorry, but you are not auth…
0Noting friends in Family Search.Hannah Morgan Ackroyd said: Friends are very important. I have noticed pictures of people with thei…
0Incorrect Standardized locationRay Batig said: Hi, I have relatives buried at this cemetery, however, the Standardized location…
0FamilySearch is promoting incorrect genealogy in their FamilySearch promotional advertising. WrongDon M Thomas said: Because this information is now on the internet it can't be change. Written in …