Discussion List
0View All Films and Databases online without restrictionJohn Davis said: At a time when virtually every segment of society is being encouraged to shelter a…
0Ability to show both adoptive and birth lines at the same time.Angela LaBenne said: I'm working on a family tree for my son. My husband is adopted and when I sta…
0Easy Invitations fearureRichard Leslie Fordham said: Love the new (?) Easy Invitations feature. How good is this? As stake…
0"Add or Find Person Page" - SearchingStacie Weyrauch said: From the "Add or Find Person" page: 1.) It would be helpful if …
0Well Done. Considering HAMMERING (usage/load) "FamilySearch" must be getting due to the COVID-19 PanBrett said: FamilySearch Well Done. ☺ Considering the "Hammering" (usage/loa…
0FamilySearch. What was "Unexpected Error" all about, this morning, Fri.27March2020? What happened? TBrett said: FamilySearch Question: What was that "Unexpected Error" all about, a s…
0Double-listing in Ancestors with tasks.David Wynn said: This is in the Ancestors With Tasks mobile app option. I'm seeing profiles double-…
0Downloading an entire IGI extraction batch?Juli said: Some people I know want to do some data analysis on 16th century name usage in England, …
0Adding Proxy-only marriagesMoroni4 said: Need the ability to post proxy-only marriages (as opposed to civil and plural marriag…
0View/Search Upcoming Birthdays in my Family Tree (in advance, rather than day-of notification)Drew Hooper said: FamilySearch team, Idea: To build a functionality to view upcoming birth days…