Discussion List
0Conflicting Information in New OrdinanceStatus PagesJeff Wiseman said: The new simpler ordinance handling and status pages are looking good! However, I…
0Can you make it so that if a record is not a standard location, so thatwhen you correct it, that itR Greg Leininger said: Details: often when you have several kids in a family to link a census recor…
0NEW WAY TO HELP THOSE SHARED TO THE TEMPLE SYSTEMJason Allen Jones said: I love the new idea that families can help do temple ordinances that are sh…
0Numbering cards when printing.Dave said: I notice is when we are about to print off cards, when we click the box beside the name,…
0Why do we spend millions and possibly billions for historical accuracy, to have it housed in an openDon M Thomas said: Why do we as a people, spend millions, if not possibly billions, in the preserva…
0Design Modification Request: Descendancy Chart: Be able to select Reserve by reservation typeTom Huber said: There has been extensive discussions (not all have been agreeable), but I think the…
0Notification of Changes in FamilySearchAlvin Hiram Andrew said: Changing the tracking from email to messages is going to cause a lot of pr…
0Confusion about the temple expiration datesChristine said: Charlotte Jackson Wilkes, LB5N-81S, shows Baptism and confirmation in 2018; iniator…
0Children born shortly after birth should have Sealing to spouse marked Not neededInge said: Hi. I have a situation where children who dies shortly after birth had all their ordinan…