Discussion List
My Impact FeatureI love the new feature. However, the records displayed, that I have indexed and other people have a…
Source citingYour "improvement" is making more steps than necessary to accomplish source citing. You h…
6City Directories Project - Add a SAY THANK YOU ButtonWhile a relative of mine was attaching one of the many records for our relatives in Santa Barbara r…
0Restrict Hints to a Range of Years for CA birthsSituation: Some databases which include fairly recent records (such as California births) gives eas…
3Add folders in albumsI have multiple albums for the same person if I have a lot of memories. It would be helpful to sor…
indexing is creating duplication of peopleI understand there is a group researching ex-slaves and their families. I am VERY frustrated as I …
Verifying places, all the verified place may be names are incorrect, but no way to tell youWhen veryfying places I have come across incorrect standardized places several times. Once example …