Add animations to portraits
Can you bring great great grand-Aunt Lizzie to life as if to say, “You forgot about me! Put me into your tree NOW, young man!!”
I have recently come across websites in which artists have used AI applied to busts or portraits or very old photos of people who lived long ago. They colorized and animated the faces, and in some cases, showed them in modern dress and hair-do’s as they might look if they lived today. It’s quite something to have Henry VIII’s wives wink at you or George Washington (whom you told me was related to me) blink, look at you and grin..and to see him with his short, brown hair, and in a suit, sitting at the Resolute Desk in the oval office as if he were smiling at the news media. I don’t know if this kind of treatment of old photos is possible just by computer without the input of an artist, but if it were possible just using algorithms, it would be an entertaining possibility for your members. Just a thought.
There has been some testing around this. Reactions range from Creepy to Amazing. The reactions vary from culture to culture as well, based on the traditions and relationship each culture has with the dead.
One of the most common reactions is "It doesn't sound like my grandma."