The 15 MB File Size Limit - versus File Compression

Many FS get frustrated with the 15MB file size limit for uploads to FS Memories
But truth is - many people don't realize just how much data can actually be compressed into a given item to be uploaded.
Here are some examples:
A 350 page Book - with lots of images
A physical book scanned into digital format (740 pages)
A 3,000 page *text based pdf file:
A 52 minute audio file
An extra high resolution photo - capable of being viewed at MAX zoom and still shows only small pixelation.
*Text Based
a text based pdf is one which has been created directly from a text based document program and saved to pdf format - without scanning. An example would be a Word document that is then saved directly to pdf. Text based documents can be stored at level of even a thousand times less in size - as compared to a scan of a printout of such document. Though both may appear visually the same - in digital format they are drastically different - since one is an image and the other is merely the encoding of 100 or so unique set of different characters in the set of text.
The above items are examples of files that were reduced using different data compression techniques. One of my most often used web sites/services - is at a FREE site called ILOVEPDF
which among many other things - can be used to compress pdf files.
You can use this same site to convert a set of image files into pdf files - or vice versa.
and many other very useful utilities.
there is a similar site for compressing images
for audio compression I use a program called Audacity
You will be surprised at how much can be packed into a given item
and if data compression doesn't bring it under the 15 MB file size
splitting the item into multiple files allows you to upload items of virtually any size.
It has often surprised me - with this being of such use to so many users
and the fact that it then uses less storage resources for FamilySearch
that I have occasionally wondered why FS themselves doesnt add an option "built in" to the upload process
that allows users - if they so desire - to have a FS utility compress the item - as part of the upload process - doing so seemlessly and "under the covers".0 -
another neat example of a "text based pdf" is when you have a program like Roots Magic, FTM or one of various other genealogy programs installed on a local PC - that allows you to generate a report and save in pdf format.
that 3,000 page item above - was just such an example.
Its also a great way to share your "version" of the family tree - from your local PC database - and then have it loaded to Memories -where no one else can modify it.0 -
I have tried to compress a 52min (mono) audio file down to 15Mb and I had to go all the way down to 32kbps in .mp3 format and the sound quality is absolute garbage. This limit needs to be increased!
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What compression software did you use. Have you tried Audacity??
I don't think FS ever really had the intent of audio files more then 10-15 minutes (even though I have been successful in going up past an hour using heavy compression.
BUT with audio - its a very simple thing to simply split it into Part1 and part2 etc. - no need to increase the file size simply to keep it in one file - making smaller chunks is actually better in that it allows you to focus in on certain varying topics in the original full length version - so people dont have to go looking for specific audio bytes deep within the full length video.0 -
Here is my record in audio data compression in a 105 minute audio just under 15 MB
(note the first 50 seconds is silence - that should have been removed.)
I used Audacity for the compression.But Like I said I really prefer that people keep their audios broken up into subtopics (pieces of ) under like under 10-15 minutes.
For example this user - split their family audio into "chapters"
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I have used both Audacity and Goldwave. The editing software doesn't really matter. What it comes down to is file type and compression rate. I totally understand breaking audio into shorter clips in certain circumstances. What I'm trying to do is upload the funeral services of some relatives. Those are typically 1 hour long or more and I think that is better to keep in one file.
There is another solution to this problem and that would be adding support for other audio formats like .ogg and .ac3. Those have far better quality at high compression rates (smaller file sizes) than .mp3. I just submitted an idea for adding support for those formats.
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I note that my 105 minute audio is in M4A format and not MP3. Have you tried that format?
I agree that the two major factors are file format (encoding used) and file compression.
But there are various tricks beyond just that and not all audio editing software is created equal.
some provide tools and tricks that make things easier and better than others and I have noticed that there are wide ranges in how efficient different software is in using compression and the options allowed in such compression - while still retaining reasonable audio quality.
other tricks/options include:
1) converting stereo to mono
2) getting rid of background noise/white noise / dead sections of the audio
3) chopping off extra unneeded audio at the beginning, end and during audio pauses
4) controlling the frequencies allowed in or filtered out of the audio
5) converting to certain high compression encoding formats and then converting back to M4A or MP3
6) parsing single files into multiple files (at a a funeral - maybe having musical numbers in one file and speakers in another file) or parsing out each speaker into a separate file.
Based on past similar suggestions made to FS - I really dont get the impression FamilySearch will be changing its audio constraints any time soon . . .
even though I can understand the reasons for why you want larger file size and more options as to encoding.0 -
I inadvertantly used an alternate account on that last post - in case you were confused.