What's up with the duplicate WW 1 draft cards?
What's up with the duplicate WW 1 draft cards? I am getting hints for people for whom I posted this
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Have you already attached some of these sources to Family Tree IDs? If so, I wonder if you can still see them, as is sometimes the case when sources from a particular collection suddenly have restricted viewing rights. If you can get to any of these sources, they should indicate if they are direct, FamilySearch sources, or have appeared courtesy of another organisation (who might be now imposing these restrictions on FamilySearch and its patrons).
I just checked the page at https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1968530 and could view some cards via that link, but forgive me if I am off-mark over what you are searching for, as this is not an area of my research. If this is the collection you are talking about, perhaps you could be more specific about any particular states / divisions with which you are experiencing difficulties, so others can try to replicate.
Linking to individuals is one thing, but NOT allowed to see the images to be sure of correct links. That's rich.
The World War I draft cards are US federal records, available to the public. Why all of a sudden?
@W D Samuelsen contact me please
You are still not specifying what images you are unable to see. It would help if you could post sample URLs that are showing restrictions over current viewing of the images in question.
BLOCKED, by that car and a guy standing by it.
It's not the collection link. It's through the source linker. Like US Census, the World War I and World War II are public domain records.
Without wishing to appear argumentative, I just don't follow your being so upset over this. I just attached one of those sources to an ID in Family Tree. Admittedly, this was from the collection, rather than via the source linker, but you are still not being prevented from viewing these images (either from the collection itself or from an individual's Sources section), as you claim.
If there is a specific issue in adding such sources via the new source linker, it is probably best to report it at https://community.familysearch.org/en/group/324-new-source-linker-feedback.
But your original post reads:
I am running into a rash of World War I draft registrations not allowed to be viewed
yet you are still refraining from providing just one example where the problem could be clearly identified by the engineers or your fellow Community members.
I did! and I did! I need images to verify certain individuals beside the main persons and I got "FORBIDDEN when I looked for the images for the family members in my source linking.
Collection is NOTHING! Not when it come to list of family members having hints to check and link.
There has been a recent thread about duplicates of the World War I draft registrations. And, some of them had a warning about the duplicate status. Sometimes that duplicate status means that records will not be found in a search.
Here's the thread:
OK, I'll give it a try….
@W D Samuelsen contact me please, it's not that we don't believe you, it's just that we haven't seen an example of what you're experiencing. There are many possible reasons for this. (For example, neither Paul nor I have any reason to work with United States records.) So, in order for us to see and thus fully understand what you're talking about, we're asking you to provide an example. Just one will do, to start.
So: in your usual process where you're encountering this problem, pick one of the pages that demonstrates it. We don't currently know whether that's a hint page, a profile page, an index detail page, or something else, but it doesn't much matter, as long as it's not your personal homepage or some such where we will definitionally see something different from you.
On that page showing an example of the problem, go to your browser's address bar and copy what's in it. It should start with "https://www.familysearch". How exactly you go about selecting and copying text depends on your device, operating system, and browser, so I will not go into that level of detail.
Once you've copied the address of the page showing the problem, come back here to this Community thread and paste what you've copied into the "Leave a Comment" box. Again, the specific steps for pasting copied text depend on your specific environment. If the Community software "helpfully" offers to mangle the link for you, you can turn down its offer by clicking on the first button of the drop-down menu thingy that appears. (It's basically a minus sign.) When you're done, click the blue "Post Comment" button below the box.
The issued had been resolved by the programmers who figured out what's blocking the source linking the World War I draft cards.