@Sarah Leigh Bissette If you have a smart phone and have Family Tree added as an app, try this: Open the app and go to your pedigree; go to an ancestor 3 or 4 or 5 generations back; click on them to get their personal information displayed; click on "Tasks"; it should show you any hints, discoveries, or temple work that requires attention. Try several ancestor lines and multiple generations back. It should show work available.
My hints are missing
Please help me figure out why Hints are no longer on my home page. I can't even click on the Hints tab to get new documents to verify. It says there aren't any.
When I look at my tree, there aren't any hint suggestions either. The blue icons are missing.
How can I get them back?
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That's how things behave if you've managed to attach all of the hints that the system had for your relatives. If so, you'll simply have to wait for more indexes to be published, and/or for the hinting system to find more records for your relatives.
If you're certain that you should have loads of hints, and you don't have any cousins who may have attached them, then I don't know what to suggest. I certainly still have plenty of hints, both on my homepage and on my fan chart. (I still haven't gotten through all of the stuff that was published this spring.)
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@Sarah Leigh Bissette If you have a smart phone and have Family Tree added as an app, try this: Open the app and go to your pedigree; go to an ancestor 3 or 4 or 5 generations back; click on them to get their personal information displayed; click on "Tasks"; it should show you any hints, discoveries, or temple work that requires attention. Try several ancestor lines and multiple generations back. It should show work available.
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Note that the Tasks list in the Family Tree app and what is shown on the home page of the website do not use exactly the same algorithm. So it is quite common to see some differences between those lists. They're both great resources, but don't expect them to be precisely the same.
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I have the same problem. at the hints the window that pops up is ( Sorry. No hints could be displayed We're having trouble displaying hints at the moment. Please reload the page. If it still doesn't work, check back later. ) However I not only know that I have hints I can search by going a different route and find them Why . If I have hints that were there 4 days ago they should still be there If they are under a different window site.
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I have the same problem and notice as V. Elder above.
I know there are hints there, they work for a day or two then it won't work for a week, then one day then gone again for another week. Not working again.
I have cleaned my cache, and I work on a Mac if that makes any difference.
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The Hints box on home page is missing so there are no hints available on home page, but searching in a different way I have found that there are hints, I have contacted Tech support and they told me that they are working on it that they have been aware of the ( SORRY. NO HINTS COULD BE DISPLAYED WE'RE HAVING TROUBLE ) problem, however, the records hints in hints have not been updated in over a month, again HELP on the hints problem
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I have no trouble see my Hints on the homepage, nor accessing the Hints page at https://www.familysearch.org/en/home/tasks. Is this still an issue for you @V Elder and @ReleaseTheKraken? If so, the quickest way to report the problem is using the Feedback tab (mine is on the left side of the page).