Why are living people's memories now searchable?
In the past, I feel like FamilySearch made it a point to say they were not searchable. Now I feel like they have gone back on their word. So many people who trusted FamilySearch to keep the living private are completely unaware that their memories are now by default public unless the contributor goes in and manually makes them private. We need to get the word out. I beg FamilySearch to reconsider! Please do not make living memories searchable in the Find area! If this change was to make deceased contributors' galleries easier to search I don't think this is a good alternative.
I see so many photos of sweet young children that parent's probably wouldn't post on Facebook. Many of those photos can be downloaded and the geotags can show where they were taken. This is not safe.
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that is why FamilySearch has the PRIVATE option (for at least a few years now)
Memories marked as private are not searchable or findable - no exceptions.
before, simply saying that it was hooked to a living person - was not sufficient -- since a single image can be hooked to both a living person and a deceased person. (it was never a good rule to begin with)
The private flag -- is so much more secure -- than any other prior logic.
BUT it also begs the question. whats the point of uploading a bunch of photos for living persons -- if in the end you dont want them shared with anyone. Then why upload them in the first place?
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I believe there are many reasons to upload memories that you don't want others to see.
I like to have strategic photos of my children and grandchildren available so that when they want to play with my phone we can play family history.
I can no longer share an album of my living father's audio recordings with my siblings because I feel I need to make them private. Now there is no option to share things that we want private.
Young people and developers may not enjoy their privacy but others do.
We were led to believe living people would be private. I have been discussing this with many people who are shocked to learn that this is no longer true.
I believe FamilySearch Memories is no longer a safe place for memories. I certainly agree that it is no longer a place to put memories of living people. It is unfortunate. I teach classes that have a broad reach and will try to get the word out.
You did not address the safety issue which I believe is a real concern. Social media at least strips out some identifying information. FamilySearch does not appear to do that.
I respectfully disagree with your attitude and stance.
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Marking the item as private will prevent it from being viewed by others
THAT is the resolution.
using this private flag - FS is more secure than it was before.
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also -- if you want to leep them PUBLIC - then
if you leave off titles and descriptions (and seriously consider grouping them into a FS album)
such items will NOT be findable via the FIND utility (even if they are PUBLIC)
BUT will only be reachable via you sharing the album url or the item url with your close family or trusted friends,
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The help articles are not always consistent.
One help article still recommends adding your personal story to your own personal account in memories. BAD IDEA! There could be too much personal information included that IS viewable by anyone.
"If you do not make the memory private, others can share it by links, social media, and email. Users can find the memory through a Google search. Others can find the memory through a topic tag search." https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/can-i-add-memories-about-my-living-relatives-to-family-tree This one does not indicate that a search using the find feature will find living memories.
"To protect privacy, Family Tree limits who can see the records of living people. Only the user who entered the information about a living person into Family Tree can see or change it.
Be cautious as you attach memories to living people. In some circumstances, the memory items can be viewed by others." https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/what-is-a-private-space-in-family-tree What they mean is not CAN but WILL be viewed by others.
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I do agree that help articles are not all up to date.
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CAN does not always mean WILL
I dont think an item that has no title or description (from the get go) and not linked to any deceased person - I don't think it will be picked up by Google indexing.
(BUT I dont know that with 100% certainty)
So Yes - I agree -- you should use caution and common sense and avoid uploading items with Geo tags
which is again why I question if the concern is so great - why people upload the items in the 1st place)
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but it does beg the question -- - how were you "sharing" groups of photos (for living people) with your trusted family in the "old world" before the change was made?
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But it is clear - there are other software platforms that do much better than FS in allowing you to share private photos with a limited group of friends.
Personally I dont recommend FS for that purpose.
I don't think it was ever really designed for that in the first place.
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My question now is this: If a memory is in a person's own gallery and is attached to themself but is private, when they die will it be made public or does it stay private? Many people want their memories of themselves added to FamilySearch but they don't want them accessible until they die. Is that possible any more?
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This is the help feature on using Find in the Find Feature: IT IS WRONG! IT SEARCHES LIVING PEOPLE!
How to Use the Find Feature in Memorie
The Find feature in Memories helps you to search for photos, stories, documents, audio files, and albums contributed by patrons of FamilySearch. Below you will find information on how to use the Find feature in Memories.
The Find feature lets you search for text or topic tags associated with individual memories.
Searching Text
- The Find feature searches for words contained in a title or description of a memory or album.
- The Find feature also searches for words contained in the first 250 characters of a story. Currently the entire text of the story is not included in the search.
The following will not display in a text search result:
- Memories with no person tags
- Memories with only unlinked person tags
- Memories linked to living people in the Family Tree
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once set private - unless you change it - it STAYS private.
It will still be private even after death. ( if you indicate to FS you wanted it private - they will keep their agreement - whether you are alive or deceased. )