Source Linker Problem

Source linker has stopped working in Firefox browser.
It will work in Microsoft Edge
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@KennethVarley1 - The first thing I suggest is clearing your cache & restarting your browser. Also, make sure you're working with the most current version of Firefox.
Let us know if that helps.
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As Piper said, when something works in one browser but not the other, it's usually fixable with some housekeeping in the "broken" browser. For some reason, FamilySearch is particularly prone to glitches or incomplete loads, which your browser "helpfully" saves and keeps serving up in the name of saving bandwidth. You need to tell it to get rid of the buggy saved files by clearing your cache and cookies. This should restore the functionality.
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I have an app that's supposed to clear cache/cookies at certain intervals, but it apparently quit doing its job! I had forgotten it. Firefox updated and now I manually clear the cache (which means I have to sign in again). Thanks for your replies!
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Here are two related contrasting and reproducible cases.
#1 - Using the latest clean version of firefox (96.0), attaching a source silently fails (with busy spinner and no specific error message presented on the client/ no timeout). The console contains many CORS errors.
#2 - Using the latest version of BRAVE BROWSER (98.0/chrome based), the same operation worked. No CORS errors logged in the console.
I gather that the latest release of firefox comes with enhanced security with respect to CORS and this may be related to the problem.
Is there anyone that can kindly point this out to the developers? (Or direct me to where I can do the same...)
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Mod Note: One duplicate post has been deleted.
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Cleared cache & restarted as per PiperTWilson instructions.
I have attempted one link, and it worked.
Thank you very much. I was getting sooooo frustrated with it.☺️