Can somebody explain to me why someone is adding people to my tree? Who gave them access to my tree? This is a serious error in judgement by the managers and owners of this site. The people (yes there is more than one) who have added hundreds of people to my tree have added them without any proof they belong; have no proof they are related to me in any way and are so randomly picked it is unbelievable that anyone with any common sense would add them. I have the records so I have the proof that those people do not belong. How these contributors are selected and given access to peoples trees is a serious error in judgement, a serious lack of care for the truth; plus how do I put into words the fact that this error in judgement has created how many public trees so full of errors (like mine) available to the Public who will also be affected by these errors? How will the Public know what is true from what is false. People will also see me as the person who created these errors. Who In gave random people free rein over everyone's Family Trees without any regard or respect for the truth of other peoples lives? I want to discuss this with management, owners and the people who make these decisions at to explain the depth of the problem in more detail so it can be corrected. Without fully understanding the many types of errors being made the problem will never be adequately corrected. There are so many errors being made and so many things wrong with this practice. Firstly, no one should have access to someone else's tree. They should only be allowed to message suggestions to the owner of the tree and only if they provide proof that has been thoroughly researched to prove it is the correct record; and definitely not from someone else's tree. That practice is how errors snowball and is the worst practice in genealogy and one that you recommend. That practice is so bad in judgement that there should be a HUGE WARNING against it. I do not want my tree nor my account deleted. This is the only proof I have to show you the errors so can fix this and their credibility.