Where can I find Churchrecords of Velky Slavkov, Slovakia
My ancesters lived in Slovakia until 1945. So I look up data from various towns there.
I found many information from other towns, but not from Velky Slavkov ( Großschlagendorf)
or Nova Lesna. The records of the census 1870 are available and I am glad to found them.
I wanted look up some deaths or marriages in the catholic church records of this towns.
The births are indexed and I think the books should be available. How can I find them?
Thank You in advance
Best Answer
It looks like this might be available at the Salt Lake Family History Library. You can make an appointment online, asking them to look up particular records for you and tell you what information is included.
Good Evening @KarlUrban, thank you for posting in our Community! Have you looked at our Wiki pages? Below is a link to the Slovakia page. From there you may be able to see what resources are available and where to find them. Good luck!
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According to the Catalog (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/677229), unfortunately the records from the Catholic church in Nagyszalók (of which Ujleszna was a filiate) are on multi-part films which include restricted records, and are therefore not online.