Why Did You Change the Search Page Design?! This is HORRIBLE!

Why in the world did you change the search page design and functionality? This new design is HORRIBLE and does not even function correctly. You have now made the process of searching for records and quickly linking to existing Family Trees incredible time consuming and cumbersome. I don't know whose decision this was to change to this format but clearly they don't use the site. Please restore the old format or you are going to use daily users like me that have linked literally thousands of family records.
Hello Jim,
By using the Feedback function, you can list your concerns with respect to the new records page.
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Hi @JimHobbs
We understand changing page design and functionality can be challenging, and that is why at the right of the new Search Historical Records page you will find a Feedback tab so that you can share your experience and concerns.
You have noted in your comments that you believe your searches are not functioning properly. Can you be more specific about what is happening? You experience might be helpful to others. We still have the same types of functions on the results page that were previously available, however, their locations are a little different. Please review the following knowledge article that explains about how to get the most out of the new search results pages which should still allow you to click the icon to view the record and quickly link it to an ancestor who is already in Family Tree.
There have been many positive comments about the new format, but we realize that each guest has their own pattern as they continue with their family history efforts. Please provide your feedback as suggested.
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With all due respect, I don't need to read an article...I have been using this site for years. I seem to know more about the site than most of your "customer service representatives." This site has literally just gone backwards in navigation and functionality. If you don't understand how cumbersome this new format is versus the "old" format than you never used it. I love change...change for the better. I institute change all of the time in my own profession. Has anyone at this organization ever heard of the the old adage, "Don't fix something that isn't broke."
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Thank you for your additional comments. I do use the Search Historical Records function daily and personally like the changes, but you are certainly welcome to your own opinion. It is wonderful that you feel so comfortable working at FamilySearch. Again, if you wish to have your feelings heard by those who made the decision to make these changes, it is important to use the Feedback feature.
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I agree with the similar remarks already made - the new changes are Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! As a long time user, I find these drastic changes very difficult to navigate and to sort through the search results. It would be nice to have an option - old vs. new search with a deadline to phase out the old search. I used to be half and half Ancestry and family search, but not sure how long that will continue. I have read the Family Search responses but still felt the need to vent my frustration. The changes are not intuitive for me, perhaps they are for others.
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Thanks for your input. Please also report your concerns using the Feedback tab which is described in the screen shot provided by @AnthonyTowers1 . The team that is working with this feature needs to know how users feel. Feedback is always an important part of any new feature, and without using the tab provided, those who work to provide enhancements don't always know how changes have been received.
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I agree, it's dreadful. Very difficult to search and doesn't refine answers correctly.
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Check out this for more information about the update to search records: https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/103621/familysearch-employee-responding-to-search-page-feedback
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I am just as unsatisfied and frustrated with the new search features as all of these commenters. I have been using FS exclusively for verifying family relationships because of the various filters and drill down options. The only improvement needed was an option to exclude record sets (such as military records).
When trying to use the new "More" options - they don't work. The algorithms are not there! I cannot research a specific location. I can add it as a search feature - but now I get records from all over the place and not the specific area I am searching.
Adding date ranges (such as estimated birth, death, or marriage years) is gone.
Adding multiple last names for women who have married more than once is gone.
Record hint popups seem to have disappeared along with the above search features. Again - the algorithms seem to be missing.
The layout is annoying, to say the least. My focus needs to be on the records and not on a search box. Hitting the "X" to get it out of view is not user friendly, as then I have to go hit the "More" button to pull it back up to change the search perimeters and the cycle goes on and on.
The name being searched for needs to be frozen at the top of the screen (like it used to be).
This version needs to go back to beta testing. It is user unfriendly and doesn't work.
AND - I looked all over for the "Feedback" button that is shown on other comments pages......where is it? Was that just for the Beta version?
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I agree with all of the above!!!! I use the births and deaths section and now can't find anything!!!!! I have to go to the OHIO STATE HISTORICAL site to search for Ohio deaths. You have compleatly ruined the site!!
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I agree with everyone's complaints about the new format! I have made this site one of my main places to search for information cause it was easy to use, now it is not! Bring back the old site/format. I used to select records go to browse collections, find a collection I wanted information from select it, and if it had images I would browse the collection instead of searching it as the transcriptions were not pulling up what I was looking for. I found tons of information browsing transcribed records because the search function wasn't pulling up what I was looking for because of poor transcription. I understand transcribing records is not easy but I have read the originals on some of the poorly transcribed records and surely do not understand how they so poorly messed up the name. Also when people are searching for a family name it is easier to read it then someone transcribing it that has no clue how it is spelled so they guess what it says. My simple easy last name has been butchered in transcriptions. I have brought a lot of people to this site that are just beginning their journey into their family history because the site was so easy to use and it was easy for me over the phone to walk them thru how to search for information, and now I can barely figure out how to use your new format! Please go back to the simple easy to use format and quit trying to keep up with the fancy sites. It is sad that old time users have to struggle weekly with figuring out how to do what they have been doing routinely for years because of the changes.
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I agree that they needed to add an exclude feature.
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Yes, the new "search" feature is beyond useless. Hamilton County, TN isn't even included in the 1850 census records for searching. The ability to find anything has been pretty much destroyed. The site is now a chore to try to use.
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I started this thread in September of 2021, when they made the change. It literally occurred while I was researching. To this very day, November 26, 2021, this is one of the WORST search engines I have ever encountered on any format. I can type in nothing more than a name, date of death, and location, and I get results from 20-30 years later and not even in the same state. And those are the top results. I literally have to switch to Ohio Collection Results "only" to find what I am looking for (and even that does not always work). So, what used to take me seconds to perform sometimes takes me hours. Or I just never find the results, period. It makes me wonder if the Church has taken a "pay-off" from Ancestry.com to do this. As a Business Major sure fits to me!
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Hey Family Search, are you listening?
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Your most recent comments about the changes to the Search option in our Historical Records is very sad. The sponsoring organization for FamilySearch is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our leaders are completely honest and forthright as they have tried to continue to provide a Free Genealogy site where you can do your research.
In addition to using the general search page, you can search for specific collections, you can search for online historical records images, and you can search in the catalog which includes information about millions of microfilms and digital films that we have been allowed to create with the permission of record custodians from around the World. Why you would even consider that our administrators would take a "pay-off" from any other website is just beyond my understanding.
I have been using the new search page successfully since it was made available, but I have chosen to review the knowledge articles from the FamilySearch Help Center to learn more about how to find and use reasonable results. I have also learned to use the other links to Explore Historical Record Images, to find specific collections, and to work in the catalog. [Even with the catalog currently locked for improvements those searches are very helpful.]
Please consider using the Help Center to learn more about the how to use the new search option.
You might also find this FamilySearch Blog article helpful.
While we appreciate the feedback of our users, we do hope that you will avoid making unkind assumptions about the intentions of FamilySearch changes. We only wish you success with your continued research.
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It's clear from your response that you are apparently one of the Team members responsible for this disaster. It wasn't meant to be a "happy or joyous post." I'm glad you found it to be "sad." Have a nice day!
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I have left feedback before and truly felt it was just going into a void. I understand that it helps to be specific but an answer as to why this format was changed might be helpful. In speaking about FamilySearch vs Ancestry in the past, I would often refer to Ancestry as having the more powerful search engine while FamilySearch's search engine needed more pointed info but was more convenient once you found it. I would advise people to go to Ancestry to be able provide the target info for a reliable search at FamilySearch. FamlySearch allowed me to zero in on a specific data collection/ collections. Currently it appears to be useless or certainly not user friendly. I , too, after having using familysearch.org since it was first introduced (before new.familysearch.org) do ot think I should have to go through a huge learning curve without justification. We are all working here and to be abruptly interrupted and inconvenienced without apparent regard for our efforts. Please help us understand what you are doing and why?
BTW, the format looks simplistically juvenile. Is that what you are aiming for ? Something for the children?
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I too do not like the new changes. I have been working on family search for several years and worked nearly every day. I would attached records nearly every day and merge and update. Since this change I have only been able to attach a few records. I can not even search for records. The search is not user friendly and no records come up that are even usable. There is no FEEDBACK button either. So if you want feedback and are not reading it here please make a place for that information to be shared.
I agree with every complaint that is on this stream!
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
I am sorry, I may have missed your original post back on 29 September 2021 ...
As such ...
Belatedly ...
You are not alone ...
And, just in case you, were not aware ...
Here are some FOUR (x4) posts, in date (and, post) order of being posted, from someone, stating, to be part of the 'FamilySearch' Team that, 'Designed'; and, 'Developed", the the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", which appears, in some of the posts, to give some "Instruction", on HOW to use the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records".
"Ideas" (ie. 'Feedback) Section
15 July 2021
[ 1 ] Discussion 90536
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
Hello FamilySearch Community! Try out the new update to Record Search.
29 September 2021
[ 2 ] Discussion 103619
'Category' = General User Interface
Home > Ideas > General User Interface
FamilySearch's Updates to the Search Page
[ 3 ] Discussion 103620
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
FamilySearch Employee Responding to Search Page Feedback
[ 4 ] Discussion 103621
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
FamilySearch Employee Responding to Search Page Feedback
I hope, that some of the information in these posts, may offer some help/assistance.
And ...
There are OTHER posts throughout this Forum, where the instigator of the above posts has responded with, advice; direction; instruction; help/assistance, on the NEW "Results" page/screen, of "Records Search" ('FamilySearch').
Now ...
That Said ...
You may like to ADD, your thoughts/comments, in those particular posts; so that, your thoughts/comments, like those of MANY other UNHAPPY Users/Patrons, ARE 'seen', by the Team, in 'FamilySearch', that 'Designed'; and, 'Developed" the NEW look "Search".
As you can 'see' from those posts ...
DESPITE, all the NEGATIVE 'Feedback', with regard to the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", from those that matter, the 'lowly' User/Patrons, where the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", was 'foisted' upon them; BEFORE, being "Fully" released to ALL User/Patrons - 'FamilySearch' RELEASED the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", to ALL Users/Patrons.
As I already suggested ...
You are not alone ...
We are ALL "Struggling"; and, NEED "Help", with the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", which is NOT very 'User Friendly'.
MOST Users/Patrons want the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records" to be "Reverted" BACK to the PREVIOUS "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records".
But ...
That Said ...
SADLY, I doubt that will happen ...
I know that this DOES NOT help/assist; but, I hope that this gives you some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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I find it odd that there is now a page to show how to use the new format - one for beginners and one for experts. While I don't consider myself an expert I am definitely no beginner. As a beginner I never needed to be shown how to find records on FamilySearch and I (on my own) found it easy to whittle down the results to find what I was searching for. The new search form itself isn't horrible but not as smooth as the previous. The real problem is with the results. Other than general findings (birth, marriage, census, etc) I have no idea how to really refine the (all over the place) results. (Example: I put in census but I want 1910, not 1880, 1910, etc) If I, a long-time user, am this frustrated imagine how a new comer to this site might feel.
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I've been researching two large family trees since the 1990s. I have used this site since it was beta.familysearch.org. I used to do some indexing for you on the bus on my way to and from work. So I know how to do genealogy research. I can tell you as an expert, this new version is horrific. It's probably ok for people who have never done any research before, who are excited to type in a name and see a list of results. You know, the same people who don't know how to verify anything and throw every result they see into an incorrect tree that gets copied by dozens of other people. And I'm sure they give you all kinds of happy feedback that looks great in your marketing materials. But for those of us who know what we're doing, this is a major step backwards.
I'm getting long lists of results, not sorted well, with no good way to filter the results based on what I already have. I'm trying to find more information about a specific relative. I keep getting 1870 census results for people with the same (common) name and birth year. I already have his 1870 census, and his 1880; I want to see if I can find him in other sources. I used to be able to group results by collection and then drill into likely collections that I don't already have results for, but that feature is gone now. Again, not a problem for beginners, but for those of us with 25+ years of research this is becoming a waste of time.
If your goal was to sell subscriptions to Ancestry.com, you've done a great job. If your goal was to be independently useful to serious genealogists, you have failed. The main use I have gotten out of your site lately is when I get a result from another indexing site and come here to see the original document. You are still worthwhile for that. Not so worthwhile for serious research.
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You can filter by collection.
At the top left of the search results:
When you click on the filter for Collection, in the right pane all of the collections open you can then select the collection you are looking for and then Apply the Collection Filter to your results. This will allow you to drill down in the results just like before.
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I am so disappointed! I will not recommend FamilySearch to anybody again. You had such a good product, but now is does not serve my purpose. I need search engines like you used to provide, MyPast for example, and the others.
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BTW, I've been reading all these comments over and over about the really unfortunate changes to this site, and have not yet read ONE POSITIVE COMMENT, which means this site simply does not serve the interests of its community & researchers. The FS staff seem to be very defensive about it rather than taking the comments to heart. What is necessary here is to simply GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FORMAT that everyone was able to use and build actual family trees with rather than this moronic redesign which seems to be geared to 4th graders. But as I assume the intent here is to drive people TO paid Ancestry.com, I'm sure that's not going to happen. Really really annoyed at this.
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These changes are an absolute nightmare and you really ought to take cognisance of these comments from users and not just defend your stance. I am a PhD student so well-used to research methodology. I now am faced with everything coming up as 'broad'. If I put in the details I know are absolutely correct, in the expectation of finding additional information on my subject, it automatically comes up with 'no results'. If I use your current research box I am faced with (sometimes) hundreds of useless responses which bear no relation to my search query except perhaps the wrong version of the surname. I do not have time to research in this way and if you do not correct this abysmal situation, I will simply cancel my membership. At the moment, the Family Search (Mormon) free website is bringing up more useful results than anything in Ancestry, although ancestry was previously more accurate. To offer me London (for example) when my search subject is, say, Kendal which is a fact I already have, is pointless, and this is but one of the many frustrations in the current website. You are treating researchers as idiots.
Jacqueline Brooks
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I wish to retract my previous comment. It was mean for ancestry but I posted it wrongly as I had two sites open at the same time. My apologies. You are currently much better than ancestry!
Jacqueline Brooks
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The family Search site used to be so easy to use for genealogy research and sources. It was my 'go to' and much better than ancestry. Now, it really is time consuming and cumbersome to use. The results pages used to be clearer as well. I hope they listen to the users who used to really love this site.
Thank you