Expired indexing batch • FamilySearch
https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/why-do-indexing-batches-expireLearn about expired indexing batches and deadlines.
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The web indexing program saves your work automatically. When you log back on the batch you were working on should be waiting for you on your home page and you should be able to open it back up and start from where you left off. Normally I log out when I think I am going to be gone for some time but I have also just left it for too long and my computer shut down either way when I start back up my work is there waiting for me, If you are not coming back for an extended period of time, a week, you could be exceeding the time limit and the batch will have gone back.
Do you see your batch on your home page when you open back up?
We need to know more information in order to help.
I am indexing on my local machine which is I Mac laptop. I enjoy indexing and I have only had a few minor disasters!
What is your local machine and what are your problems?
Need to not depend on the web. I can't usually do a complete indexing activity in a steady session. Today I spent 1/2 hour decoding a particularly dense Costa Rica marriage. Then I was called away and when I came back I had been logged off and all the work was lost. What I need is to be able to have everything on my machine so I am not time dependent. I've done thousands of names but am about to give up.
@RobertSummers When logging into FamilySearch you can choose the option 'Keep me logged in for 2 weeks' - that 'might' help - as long as you don't logout manually. It's worth a try. But @LarryClark43 is right - you should be able to go back to Web Indexing and pick back up where you left off. Unless the Batch expires before you get back to it:
The older application for download to your machine is no longer available.
As others have said, the web indexing tool saves your work periodically, usually about every 5 minutes but that seems to be somewhat flexible. You can see when your work was last saved by looking at the top left of the image area adjacent to the Step tab, where is says Saved: followed by a time.
You can force a save to occur by returning to your web indexing page (click the black left pointing arrow on the left end of the horizontal tool bar) which is the safest way to insure that you do not loose work. The downside of that is that you will need to open the batch again to continue working on it. @John Empoliti says that there is a keyboard shortcut key that will force a save, but last time I tried it it did not do the save on my windows machine so I do not recall what he said it was. There is no shortcut listed in the keyboard shortcuts document to force a save.
I like your idea of 'offline' indexing but currently that is not how Web Indexing works. You can suggest that idea to Familysearch here:
@J C Bingham . Yes, that old shortcut doesn't work anymore (I think it was Ctrl+S) and is not listed either. Nor do a few of the other ones early in the shortcuts list work. @genthusiast 1 recently started an Indexing Ideas thread suggesting that the Keyboard Shortcut list be looked at and updated. One doesn't even make sense anymore: Open or Close "Organize Fields" (Ctrl+O or Cmd+O on a Mac) - we use "drag and drop" for that now.
Here is the link:
Alt+S (or Option+S on Mac) evidently used to do a Submit Batch and it doesn't anymore. Also, Ctrl+Shift+S (Cmd+Shift+S on a Mac) opened the Share Batch panel, and it doesn't anymore. I guess I need to update my guide to the Horizontal Toolbar Icons. OR Family Search needs to restore the actions for these Shortcuts.
It would be reassuring to be able to force a Save of your work by some means or another (e.g. Ctrl+S). What is the harm in reactivating that and some of these other shortcuts?