Germany Genealogy Research
https://community.familysearch.org/en/group/88-germany-genealogy-researchThis group covers German research, handling topics such as research, Family History Library classes, collections, websites, and changes in the world of genealogy for the German empire. Fuzzy Gazatteer Fulda Diocesan Archive parishes online Matricula - twelve German Catholic dioceses Germany in FS wiki "How to" Guides Meyers Gazetteer Archion Matricula Hannover parish histories Kreise list Kreis map Names distribution map Map of German Empire Wörterbuchnetz Find a Family History Center and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries German word list Learn old German Script videos French Word List Latin Word List Dutch Word List Danish Word List Polish Word List REPUBLICAN CALENDAR Webinars Germany Jurisdictions Surname distribution map-Stoepel Surname distr. map (France)-Geopatronyme Berlin Address Directories Berlin Civil Registration Offices German occupations Historisches-geographisches Wörterbuch des deutschen Mittelalters HUHN'S gazetteer Mapire Germany 1877 Geneal-Forum Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte (German Administrative History) 1871-1990. Many Roads website German Letter Writing Guide Kirchenkalender (Feast Day Calendar) Kirchenbücher - Legende (geschichte-feuchtwangen.de) Weekday symbols Community: FamilySearch - Deutschsprachig Online Ortsfamilienbücher-CompGen FS Indexing (Germany projects) Silesia Church book finding aid Kartenmeister Familienforschung in Westpreußen The Catholic Encyclopedia Archives du Bas-Rhin Archives du Haut-Rhin Archives Moselle Identifying Place Names in German documents Baden-Württemberg Archive Genealogical Dictionary by Felix Gundacker find a book by ISBN number Military info on Genwiki Mennonite Genealogical Resources Grimms Deutsches Wörterbuch Grimm's German dictionary Age of Majority (in German) German Military Info 1914-1918 PRISONERS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR ICRC HISTORICAL ARCHIVES Surname distribution map Learning Center--FS recorded webinars Das Telefonbuch Meyers Lexikon-German Encyclopedia German Empire gazetteer SGGEE Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Month Names in German FranceGenWeb Berlin civil registration jurisdictions FamilySearch Catalog David Rumsey Map Collection NRW Civil Registration (Deaths) Polish State Archives new website Arkivalieronline Danish Census ddd.dda.dk Danish Family Search Schleswig-Holstein AKVZ Emigration from Southwest-Germany Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Latin Dictionary Latin Abbreviations-Chassant Latin Abbreviations-Capelli book Hessian Soldiers IGGP- International German Genealogy Partnership Association of German-speaking Professional Genealogists FEEFHS homepage Google Maps Google Translate Wikipedia #Europe #Germany #German #English #Research