Can anyone help me with the spelling of this province?
I don't know if it should be "Monutani" or something else and I can't search for it on Google whether such province existed because I think it got renamed.
Edit: hello everyone! Thank you so much for all your help. Here's the batch: and the batch code: MSV3-4M6
Best Answers
When I am indexing and do not know the correct spelling of a place, I usually do a search in Google such as "provinces in Canada" or "counties in California". Since you did not include your batch number or the title of the batch, we have no way of knowing where to look for the province.
Another trick I use sometimes is I go to Find in FamilySearch and I go to Place of Birth and enter what I think the spelling might be, including the country. I use * in the place of letters I am not sure what they are. As I enter the name, a drop down box appears with possible places. I use different possible letters also. I usually use this method when trying to figure out peoples names. Once I know a spelling, I can go back to the original record and see if it fits. Sometimes a name is spelled differently so always be sure to spell peoples names as they are spelled in the document.
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When you index, you can see information that is difficult to read. Use these guidelines as you index unreadable information:
- One character. If you are unable to read 1 letter or number, use a question mark (?) to replace the unreadable letter or number. Example: H?ndley.
- Multiple characters. For consecutive unreadable letters or numbers, use an asterisk (*) to replace the unreadable group of letters or numbers. Example: Di*son.
- One field. When all of the information for an indexing field is unreadable, mark the field as Unreadable. Click in the field, and press Ctrl+U.
- Entire record. When all of the information in an entire record is unreadable, including the name, date, and any information for other required fields, mark the record as Unreadable. Press Ctrl+Shift+U.
- Entire image. If you cannot read any of the information on the image, mark it as having no Extractable data. In Step 1: Images, choose No, No Extractable Data.
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We need to look at your batch to properly answer the question!
Canada—Immigration Ocean Arrivals, 1919–1924[MSLP-17T]
MSLP-17T is the Share Batch no. with that no. we can look at the batch and determine how to help.
Please share your batch in a comment here by copying and pasting the batch link or batch code.
- When your batch is open, click Help, just above the toolbar.
- On the drop-down menu, click Share Batch.
- The Share Batch window opens, giving you two options:
Copy the batch link
Share the batch code
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Woah, so many people are willing to help. Thank you so much! Unfortunately, I was only successful with google searching the municipality (Tauit); apparently, it was an old name which is now Pudtol. I have edited the post and included the batch code and link but I'll post it here again too:
code: MSV3-4M6