Is there a way that I can make a paper copy? I clicked on descendancy and there are a few errors. I find it hard to go back and forth to make changes. If I had a paper copy it would be easier for me.
Also, did I click something incorrectly. All of a sudden I have lots more on my tree for Smiechowicz going back to 1700 which I did not do so I am unsure if these are correct. Who can I notify to verify that they did the confirming work.
agnus smiechowicz owczarz
1872–1948 • GM2W-MZS is in two places and this one should not be. This is incorrect. She is already listed as sister of Piotr which is correct.
agnus smiechowicz owczarz
1872–1948 • GM2W-MZS is incorrect, Anna Strojny
1926–2002 • G9FB-ZG2 is incorrect bronislawa stanczik
1929–2018 • G9XP-PVW is incorrect and should be removed they are listed twice
Help please