How do I delete a person from the tree?

My grandfather's information is wrong. Name is correct but dates are incorrect. How do I delete the wrong person to add the right one? I have tried and tried to find a place just to delete him, but I don't see it. This is way more complicated than it should be. I realize the person on my tree may match someone else's, but the only thing right about this one is his name! I have spent 30 minutes trying to fix it! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
Best Answers
@Onslow Rhodes-Fisher - It would really help to know the ID number of your ancestor in question. Also does this person have wrong family members attached to him (like a wife you don't know or kids you haven't heard of?
First off - it is almost impossible to delete a record in tree. If you create a record and don't do anything to it to change it, you will be able to delete it. Other than that one case there is no deleting.
So the record you see as your "grandfather" either is your grandfather (so it stays were it is and you edit the birth and death info as needed) or he isn't your grandfather (because there is some other family connected to this record) in which case you will need to remove his relationship to your family and you will need to create a new record for your grandfather.
I know this all sounds vague - and it is. Help us with some details (ID and what should show) and we can specifically help you.
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The ID number for the person you described is LH68-BT3. Please check this out, to see if it is the correct one. If it is, next check the descendants to see where the linkage to you has gone wrong. At that point, the relationship can be replaced with the correct person. We can help further with that process, if you desire. Good luck.
You can delete someone from Family Tree only if you are the individual that put them in, or merge them with someone else. The reasoning behind this is, as you said, this may some one else. The only thing you can delete is relationships.
This is a complicated situation--my wife has one that's similar--it's often caused by an incorrect merge. Your choice is to go into their history and see if you can figure out where the erroneous merge is and restore the person who was deleted by the merge and give them all of the information that is incorrect for your ancestor, then put his correct information in.
Another way is to re-enter your grandfather with the correct information. This will change his PID number, but it is much easier.
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Thank you for the information. It is still a bit complicated to me. I can breeze through Ancestry with no issues, but this site has gotten more complicated to operate. The incorrect person on my tree is L5C2-XGQ, name is Grover Cleveland Fisher. Name is correct, but the right dates/person was born in 1885 and died in 1970 in Jacksonville, NC. I found him but not sure how to get him in the right place. His spouse was Sallie (Sally) Cowan, not the Virginia something the other one has. Any help would be appreciated. I actually re-added her as spouse to try to correct it, but it added her to the wrong one instead.
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I have tried to figure it out, but it keeps wanting to default to the wrong one. The name is correct, but the dates, spouse, children are all wrong. It is definitely WAY MORE complicated than what I have been doing on Ancestry for years. Thank so much!